A leap of faith?.......U/D 28th jan

I’m grateful to you all for your time and replies.
I’ve just spoken to the rescue centre. Are you all sitting down? I’ve got a bit of need for you all and when you read it, you’ll all go “ahhhh - that’s making sense”. Are you ready?
Well, the rescue centre were puzzled by bunny’s behaviour. As I was. But I suggested it was fight or flight behaviour.
Well, she’s seen their vet - you know, just to check she’s ok. And she looked for any scars - like you do. You know where I’m going with this don’t you?
Yup - poor little dear hadn’t been spayed.
So she has literally now just been spayed. Bless her. She is going through so much in such a short time.
The plan is still for us to take her in about a week but we have to obviously not bond for 6 weeks.
That’s probably not a bad thing and gives both rabbits time to adjust and get to ‘know’ the other one via sight and sound.
Gosh I really feel for this poor little bun.
That actually sounds more promising - hopefully her escapology urges will reduce and she will be able to settle down with you in a few weeks.
Oh bless her. Her hormones will be all over the place after being spayed (anthropomorphising again as I've been 'spayed') but she may be more settled and not desperate to escape to reproduce. I do feel for her and am so, so pleased she is going to such a wonderful home. If she only knew how good her life is going to be.

Sending lots of vibes for a speedy recovery for her xxx
Ah hopefully she won't be so aggressive after she's settled, after being spayed :) I think this sounds much more promising that she might not be so aggressive with you :) I hope it all works out, she'll have a wonderful home with you :)

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Fingers crossed that it is the hormones causing the behaviour which should subside as the hormones do. She will soon settle I’m sure, with patience and time :love:
It sounds like she has been through a lot poor little girl. I'm hoping that everything goes well for her and I'm sure she would have a really good bunny life with you and your family:love: