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Drawing of your pet for £2 delivered - Pledge a Pound

Are you still doing this or are you absolutely snowed under with orders?

I don't mind joining the queue!
Are you still doing this or are you absolutely snowed under with orders?

I don't mind joining the queue!

Massively so. I've been so slow lately too, life keeps getting in way of my spare time, but add yourself to queue, I will get there eventually!
I'd like Harry and Ludo please, I'll edit this post later to find good pics of them! So that's 2 pics!
Yes, don't worry, she said she'll take a while and there is a huge waiting list! :shock: Don't worry I'm sure she's still doing them, but I'd rather she does them slowly but beautifully like she is than do a rushed job!
Hey guys sorry been manic with job changing and wedding stuff and life! I'm go an draw a few today :)! First free day I've had in months!
I can't find any better pics of Nena, but you can just do her markings like a seal point but with a darker base colour: https://www.google.co.uk/search?um=...bbit%2FSeal-point-mini-lop-doe.html;1600;1200

Just wondering where Laurel is on your list? My brothers birthday is the 23rd of July - I'd ideally like to give it him then, but no worries if you can't draw her in time :wave:

Hey! Is this the kind of thing you were after for Laurel? needs a bit of tidying up but thought id check it was ok ?

Are you still doing this or have you stopped?
sorry sorry i'm so late! :oops:

I don't mind joining the queue!
Hi don't worry I'm not fussed about when you get them done but just checking if you've seen my post and pics? :)
I posted on the first few pages of the original thread about having a sketch of my two piggies Millie & Pepsi done? Would this be okay? Are the pics alright? Haven't been following this but have a feeling you might have skipped me by accident but don't worry xx