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Would It Be Wrong To?

I bred my first 2 rabbits Crystal and Smudge, I didnt know about risks or even the number of rabbits in rescues truth was i wanted to watch babies be born and grow up :love: She had 5 babies 3 healthy 2 not 1 ended up with dental problems from 5/6 weeks old! (Crystal ended up with dental problems a year after giving birth) and another baby had a constant sore eye and needed his tear duct flushed frequently and then he died after taking a fit :(

although they were a joy to have there was no need for me to bring those 2 babies into the world which suffered :( and il always regret giving away her Harlequin baby Harley he was such a character I cant help but think where he is now and if hes ok :(
I've seen pregnant females advertised on free add's. Most of them saying 'might be pregnant' and you just know the bunnies knocked up :(

I remember contacting you not long ago about a tri-coloured lop rabbit on free ads who was pregnant I wonder where she ended up and what happened to her babies :(