Worried about Gypsy again :-(


Wise Old Thumper
:( My poor girl :(

Gyspy had EC 6 months ago. It looked very bad for her, she had head tilt and kept rolling. I had to syringe feed her every few hours for 48 hours. With lots of TLC and meds she pulled through. Her head tilt had gone, she grew stronger and can eat for her self.

Yesterday I noticed her back legs are not working properly all of the time :( She can hop and move around but every now and then she will wobble and her back end will lean to the side. She seems happy bright and is eating well and is otherwise healthy.

I was wondering if her EC had come back or flared up again? or could it be something else? she does not appear to be in any pain. Gypsy is 8

Both Gypsy and Storm are on a routine course of panacur. at the moment.
I'm sorry she is not doing so well. I suppose it could be age-related?

Sending vibes for your lovely girl. :love:
Thank you Jane x. I still have some metacam, how long does it usually keep for? I just wondered if it was worth giving her a little bit :? although I guess it would be more sensible to convince the vet that she needs it and get some more for her :?

Aww my poor baby is getting old :(
Thank you Jane x. I still have some metacam, how long does it usually keep for? I just wondered if it was worth giving her a little bit :? although I guess it would be more sensible to convince the vet that she needs it and get some more for her :?

Aww my poor baby is getting old :(

I would definitely get the Vet to take a look at her before giving her the Metacam. If the Metacam was dispensed out of the manufacturers bottle it wont be usable for long and it will lose it's potency. Best to try the Vet first xx
That does sound the best option, it's just that whatever vet I go to around here, I usually end up telling THEM what I think is wrong, even though I'm no expert at all :? I feel as though my young vet learnt a lot from Gypsy's last visit, which is good experience for them but makes me feel a bit :!:
That does sound the best option, it's just that whatever vet I go to around here, I usually end up telling THEM what I think is wrong, even though I'm no expert at all :? I feel as though my young vet learnt a lot from Gypsy's last visit, which is good experience for them but makes me feel a bit :!:

If you feel Gypsy needs more specialised vet care now that she is older you could post a thread on here asking if anyone knows one within travelling distance of your location and/or contact the RWA for recommendations. Apologies if you have already done this and had no luck.
If you feel Gypsy needs more specialised vet care now that she is older you could post a thread on here asking if anyone knows one within travelling distance of your location and/or contact the RWA for recommendations. Apologies if you have already done this and had no luck.

That's a really good idea :D No, I have not already done this. I'm still in sort of denial about my little ones getting old and maybe needing specialist care :(
It's really bazaar as Gypsy can jump and hop most of the time but not all of the time. Some times she seems weaker than others :? she has also not stood on her hind legs ( periscoped ) for around a year now :(