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worried about bunny

Lolly's mum

Mama Doe
hi all, need some advice.

i'm a bit worried about barnsley, over the last day or so he seems to be very 'down'.

he's eating (although not as greedily as usual) weeing, pooing and drinking, he just seems a bit 'off'.

he appears to be sleeping a fair bit - he's asleep in his litter tray now.

he dosn't binky and act daft like he used to.

is he getting old? i've never had experience of an older bun and as he was adopted, i've no real idea of his age.

any advice welcome

If it is something that has only come on in the last couple of days I would say it isnt old age.

Does he have a friend?

Has anything changed in his routine, or in his life recently?

Have you done a health check, looking for lumps/cuts, looking at his ears/eyes/nose, examining his feet and doing a bum check? Anything unusual?
If it is something that has only come on in the last couple of days I would say it isnt old age.

Does he have a friend?

Has anything changed in his routine, or in his life recently?

Have you done a health check, looking for lumps/cuts, looking at his ears/eyes/nose, examining his feet and doing a bum check? Anything unusual?

he's an only, indoor bun. his nose and eyes look ok and his nails were clipped a few weeks ago, bum appears alright. he was boarded a couple of months ago but got over the annoyance.

just wish i knew what was wrong

Is there any foods he's leaving such as pellets or hay?

he leaves his least favourite fresh veggies (not unusual) he eats all his science selective pellets but leaves his super excel (super excel used to be his favourite)

if left long enough he will eventually eat everything

Aw maybe he's just having a slow day :) bunnies do naturally sleep during the middle of the day. They are crepuscular which means they are active dawn and dusk.