I won't be having six again that's for sure! Two pairs would be my limit, but realistically probably only one pair as I want a conti next so I don't think three bunnies and one Conti is a good idea for me! :shock::lol:
I honestly don't know. It depends on how long Alfrid lives, to be honest! He's only three so should be around for at least another four/five years, but a lot could have changed in those years and I guess I might not be in a position to take on any more. If I can afford it and have the space, I'd love to have another pair, but I don't know whether that'd be possible. In an ideal world I'd have two now and Alfrid would be bonded, but that won't/can't happen for a while, if ever Sadly!
I could quite fancy fostering, even if I don't actually end up with more bunnies of my own.
I have a pair and will always want a pair but I don't want to replace the guinea pigs, I love them and they are adorable but I don't think I want any more, I don't know what I will do when I'm down to just one though and I think my son will strongly argue their corner. He completely adores his guineas and comes out every single day to feed etc xx
Yes/no, I love having the bunnies I really do. However if one or more is poorly then it does become an issue as it just makes me constantly anxious and paranoid all the time. I've been there twice with two poorly buns and after them I really didn't want any more. I have 4 and it's very manageable and lovely having two pairs that are all healthy. I wouldn't have any more than 4 permanent bunnies though.
My youngest bunny is only 1 and my oldest two will be 4 this year. I expect to have bunnies at least another 7 years (I hope!) I'll be 25 then!
I won't be replacing my piggies now though. I absolutely love them but 6 is a little too many when they're in separate setups (3 setups). Would be different if they were all in a group in one setup. I did have to get Daisy a new friend in December but I won't be replacing any of the boys; I'll have to make do with what I have and neuter any male who was to be left on their own. One of my male pairs consists of a 7 year old and a 1 year old, the one year old is neutered so he'll join the girls in the future.
Yes I will! No more than two setups, but I really would like to have a bigger group outside - I think Tully & Kyla would bond well into a bigger group as they're both so placid. Not enough space currenlty though. Possibly no more house buns as I would also like a dog at some point. Although if Fudge dies first (likely due to her kidney issues) then I can't leave Truffle on her own and she hates it outdoors. If Truffle dies first I would try Fudge with T&K, as Fudge likes it outside.
I just got Bertie as a friend for ruby who lost reggie in November. Ruby is 6 and Bertie is 1 so it's likely that Bertie will outlive her, and then I will have to get a friend for Bertie and the cycle goes on. I won't have more than 2 at once though.
I don't think so. Until a few months ago I was adamant that I had to have bunnies in my life, even though I constantly worried about them. Now, although I still love them all to bits, my circumstances have changed, and having pets means not being able to move on with my life and do things that I want to do. I am struggling with this a lot right now
I think so but not as many as we have now. 9 is too many. I would never want more than 4 in the future as they are a big commitment and I have other commitments too. I still want to help the rescue situation though.
I really dont know. I have eight in three separate set ups. I would love to have only one set up but as my youngest is only one and his mum isnt much older I will have many years before I have to seriously consider what to do next. (I hope).
Don't think so. They're quite troublesome and very costly and my OH doesn't want anymore. Only if one of them passed away unexpectedly whilst the other one is still young would I consider getting another bunny.
But then again they are only 3 and 3.5 so hopefully there will be many more bunny-filled years to come!
Well I decided I wouldn't be and made the decision a while back. Mable crossed over the bridge last year and left Pabby alone, 9, deaf and blind and I made the decision it would be too traumatic to try and bond him but I so miss watching rabbits, full of life. I love my slow old guy to pieces but ummm oooops see on the Rabbits in need page, Marshmallow and Cotton, well I'm collecting them this Saturday and can't wait!!!!