Wild forage foods


New Kit
Hello, I am new here and am excited to meet new like minded people in the rabbit farming industry.

I am currently feeding fifty rabbits with wild forged foods. I'm interested in if anybody has had experience doing this and if so what type of foods you may have fed your little fur balls.
Mine get anything suitable from the allotment - lots of weeds, leaves from various veg, fruit tree & bush prunings - pretty much anything left from harvesting and weeding, except onions and potato & tomato plants.

These are useful guides:
Hello, I am new here and am excited to meet new like minded people in the rabbit farming industry.

I am currently feeding fifty rabbits with wild forged foods. I'm interested in if anybody has had experience doing this and if so what type of foods you may have fed your little fur balls.

Hi, I too feed forage whenever possible, it's my evening routine to scout the neighbourhood with the scythe and a basket on my back (and a kerosene lamp when it get's dark too early). Mine get everything I find, I mostly don't care about toxic lists and such (although it's pointless to carry stuff home they do not eat anyway).

In winter they get hay, pumpkin and topinambur (easy to farm in sufficient quantities) and some apple. Also twigs and branches, mostly willow, hasel, hornbeam, fir etc.
My two (uk) get willow, hawthorn, brambles and dandelions. I forage two or three times a week.