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Which RU house would you visit?

I would love to visit a rescue - none local enough to me.

I'm afraid doggies would be a disincentive to me as I grew up with a pronounced phobia of them.
I'd like to visit halfpennys sanctuary :D

Sally19-- to play with her doggies

Chul because I've never known anyone with pet ducks before.


I'd like to visit Jane, GrahamL and Snow White now she has ratties etc!
I'm gonna miss someone I know it :oops:

graham - ginger biscuit :love:
Sky-o - cos of her extensive knowledge
Jack's Jane - ditto! And to see her amazing enclosures
Georgey pudding - Imogen :love: Sebastien :love:
Hugo's There - to meet the living room gang and everyone else!!
The Duchess - to see her awesome playhouses!
Susiebun - to see how Spenser keeps so white!
AliDuncan - to say thank you in person to all the great advice and support with bonding and to meet Rum and Raisin!
Tamsin - to see Scamp and her amazing inventions to keep him amused!
Fluffers - for lots of reasons, first and foremost to say thank you for the lovely card she sent me when I lost Mischa.
KarenM - to see if she really does have a big red button with the word 'BAN' on it :D

There, who have I missed?!
There are a few but would have to invite myself to grahams to get my hands on ginger.

Would then visit thumps to give her a hug for all her support and give her little angel a stroke and wish him well soon.
Elena and minilop1 (Lisa) I adore their bunnies Xxx

Aw! Would love to see you and your sprog!

There are a few but would have to invite myself to grahams to get my hands on ginger.

Would then visit thumps to give her a hug for all her support and give her little angel a stroke and wish him well soon.

Thumps! I love to get some foraging lessons off of Judy!!
I'd love to visit Shazzabunny - to perhaps abduct Baby Bunty (hopefully she wouldnt notice)
also Aliduncan and Susie Bun... I need to see Spenser in the flesh.. he is so lovely
I want to Go to quite a few peoples houses on here :lol:
Want to go to mischief and tinkers mum & WallyBellPepsiFeebee
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I've been to two RUers houses this year. :shock:
One was of course the lovely minilop1 and the other was purely by chance when I bought something off them on ebay. :lol:

I want to meet the infamous Mr Bennett!