VACCINATE- Myxo, RHD1 & RHD2 -Updated 1st October 2018

Hope it's ok to ask in this thread.

Our new bun (arrived yesterday) is going for his 1st jab tomorrow, but I'm wondering if I should be prioritising one of the vaccines over the other (obviously I'll be booking him in for the next one two weeks afterwards). Thanks x
Hope it's ok to ask in this thread.

Our new bun (arrived yesterday) is going for his 1st jab tomorrow, but I'm wondering if I should be prioritising one of the vaccines over the other (obviously I'll be booking him in for the next one two weeks afterwards). Thanks x

Personally I would ask for the Filavac to be given first (it covers for both RHD1 and RHD2) and then the Nobivac Myxo-RHD next. As well as Vaccination there are some additional measures you can take to try to minimise the risk of disease transmission , as advised by Richard Saunders (RWAF Veterinary Adviser):

''If you buy your hay and straw direct from the producer, try to use farms where the farmer hasn’t seen any rabbit with Myxomatosis on the land.
Feed dust-extracted hay or kiln-dried grass
Fit insect screens to outdoor enclosures
Eliminate standing water (where mosquitoes might breed) from your garden. If you have a water butt, put a small amount of cooking oil into the water. This will form a film over the surface that will suffocate mosquito larvae. Better still have a sealed lid so that wildlife can’t accidentally fall in
Treat your cats and dogs for fleas, otherwise they may bring rabbit fleas home. Talk to your vet about flea control: some products are toxic to rabbits, and some rabbit products are toxic to cats.
Try to stop wild rabbits from getting into your garden. If this isn’t feasible, make it impossible for wild visitors to have nose-to-nose contact with your pets
Make sure there’s nothing to attract vermin and wild birds to hutches/runs and use small-hole mesh on hutches/runs to keep unwelcome creatures out!''

Full article here:
And another suspected RHD2 case reported to Ros (RWAF)


4 rabbits, 2 of them aged 2, the others aged 18 months. All female, all spayed.

Slightly overdue vaccination due to moving house.

Last Tuesday evening they were all health checked and had Nobivac. (Booked in for RVHD2 vacs next week)

On Friday morning the largest (2yo) was found to have passed away overnight. By evening the other 2yo was lethargic and clearly unwell. Despite rushing to the vet she also passed away.

The surviving 2 are on precautionary antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. Not eating as normal, not even treats. They are moving around but not as much as previously.

They were still alive when the owner wrote last night to give her location''

Hope it's ok to ask in this thread.

Our new bun (arrived yesterday) is going for his 1st jab tomorrow, but I'm wondering if I should be prioritising one of the vaccines over the other (obviously I'll be booking him in for the next one two weeks afterwards). Thanks x

If I were you, I would give the RHD2 vaccination first. Immunity is after one week, and it covers for both RHD1 + 2 (if it's Filavac).

Then two weeks down the line I would give Myxo.

I hope your new bun is well :wave:
Thanks JJ and MM.

That was my thinking too, but wanted to check. With so many new cases, it's so worrying. Yes it's Filavac.

He's great MM, thank you. I'll do an intro thread when I get time x
Thanks JJ and MM.

That was my thinking too, but wanted to check. With so many new cases, it's so worrying. Yes it's Filavac.

He's great MM, thank you. I'll do an intro thread when I get time x

You're welcome :)

Looking forward to seeing your new addition.

Perhaps I shall have to come and visit and see them all sometime ;)
Latest suspected RHD2 Deaths

Reported via the RHD2 FB page yesterday (10th Sept) late afternoon- LUDFORD, near Market Rasen. 2 Rabbits died within 48 hours of each other.

Reported via the RHD FB page at approx 11pm last night (10th Sept) -Billericay, Essex another 2 deaths

Reported via the Myxo & RHD Map FB page ( at about 7pm yesterday (10th Sept)

''We lost all of our rabbits today.
No symptoms , except my 7 year old girl was tired and not eating for a few hours today .
The others all passed overnight.

Southport , Merseyside''
Hampton Hill Middlesex TW12

Suspected RHD deaths of three UNVACCINATED Rabbits from the same household died over last weekend (8th/9th Sept). No obvious symptoms prior to death but apparently the owner said they all seemed to be 'a bit sleepy'. Owner apparently unaware of the need to vaccinate Rabbits and had never heard of RHD.
Just posted on the RHD2 FB page and it sounds to be an awful outbreak amongst wild Rabbits :cry:

'' Suspected cases of RVHD in Malpas Cheshire. We live on a large small holding and have always held a large rabbit population. This year specifically over the last two weeks I am finding young dead rabbits everywhere. Certainly no signs of myxi. Literally look like they’ve just dropped dead from nothing at all. Found over 8 so far and we seem to have virtually no rabbits left now 😩 it’s very sad. I can only assume it’s this virus killing them off. I picked a very young rabbit up this morning and put it in the warm. It looks very poorly and I don’t think it will survive long. Very distressing to see visible signs of this happening in the wild as well as to people’s pets''

The last 2-3 weeks have certainly seen a significant increase in reported suspected/confirmed cases :cry:
Re Suspected RHD2 Cases :

Reported yesterday (12th Sept)

Shenley, Hertfordshire WD7
''Lost our two bunnies this week. Lilly died suddenly. Ramos was checked and seemed in good health. Thought was depressed but rapidly became very ill... off food and drink, lethargic and eventually floppy. Vaccinated last September, were booked in for next week for top up! Vet suspects VHD. Lots of wild rabbits live in the area''.

Reported this afternoon by the RWAF:

''An owner in Warboys, Cambridgeshire reports the loss of her two rabbits from suspected RVHD''

Source of reports:

Re Myxomatosis Cases

Reported just now by the RWAF :

''Very large warren of rabbits near the Shakey Bridge Beauty Spot in Llandrindod-Wells, the warren was on the large hill where the ruins of Cefnllys Castle are located, there are rabbit holes across the whole of the hill and all of the rabbits there appear to be infected with myxomatosis. I got within a few inches of one before noticing it had pussy swollen eyes and seemed to be entierly blind and deaf. There were many more rabbits spotted who also seemed to have the disease.

This is on a walking trail, close to several farms and in close proximity to both Llandrindod-Wells and Builth-Wells''

Source of report:
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I wonder why it's not possible to have a vaccination that is for life like humans have?

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk
I wonder why it's not possible to have a vaccination that is for life like humans have?

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

There is much talk about this with regards to dog vaccines. Each booster vaccine is a 'reminder' to the immune system and some people think this is not always necessary and that dogs are 'over-vaccinated'. Some people choose to only give their dogs the primary course of vaccines and never vaccinate them again. Others opt for annual titre testing to check if their dog is still immune to the various diseases the vaccines cover. Then only vaccinate (booster vaccine) if titre testing shows low or no immunity. Many Vets doubt the reliability of titre testing though.

This explains it better than I can

Also, if there were vaccines that cover for life then the Pet may miss out on the general health check that is carried out by the Vet before a vaccination is given. So early detection of a potential problem may be missed.

On the Myxo-RHD FB page yesterday (14th Sept) Ros Lamb (RWAF ) posted this :

''Birmingham, B31 2 previously healthy rabbits have passed away. They were quieter than normal and died overnight

They had previously been vaccinated but had gone overdue with their booster''
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