Trying the 24/7 method for the first time


New Kit
I recently adopted a male rabbit from a rescue for my female lionhead, after her male bun friend passed away. She was super attached to him and they did everything together.

I was advised by the rescue to do the 24/7 method, but I’ve never done it before I’ve done slow bonds before now.

It goes well for hours and then they randomly fight. I’m worried it’s too stressful for them both being rescues and I’m pretty sure the male has poor sight.

Do I keep doing the 24/7 method or do I switch to a slow bond? Any help would be appreciated 🤞🏻
How serious are the ‘fights’. ? Some scuffling can be normal and it’s best not to intervene. Can you give a more detailed account or even better post a short video. It’s hard to give accurate advice as each bonding has its own unique features depending on the body language of the Rabbits.