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Misty's Mummy

Warren Scout
I was reading some older posts of what people feed their rabbits as treats, like bread, weetabix and biscuits!

What is safe to feed rabbits or what do you guys feed your bunnies?
I wouldn't feed any of those three other than extreme cases ie. rabbit not eating or for giving meds.

For treats mine get their pellets every day, they view those as treats. Then about once a month a bit of apple or banana. I also get fenugreek crunchies and salad sticks by Naturals which they get one of roughly every other day. Liz (Hugo's There) does a batch of biscuits every now and then so if I'm low on those I'll get some, they only get those a couple of time a month though.
I was reading some older posts of what people feed their rabbits as treats, like bread, weetabix and biscuits!

What is safe to feed rabbits or what do you guys feed your bunnies?

I wouldn't feed any of these.
What rabbits need is plenty of hat - 90% of their diet should be hay - buy them a variety of good hay and you won't go far wrong.
An eggcupful of pellets a day is a 'treat' - as are veg/herbs.
Id say that the pellets are a treat BUT really anything food related to them appears as a treat! lol! I think its more us who feel like we are giving them a treat if its something we dont give often...therefore...I TREAT my buns everyday with as much forage as I can/have available...so hawthorn, apple leaves & branches, plantain, hock leaves, pear leaves & branches, dandelion, fresh grass, rose leaves & petals, herbs, lemon balm, strawberry leaves, bramble leaves, basically as much natural foods as possiable...I get the joy of TREATING as often as I can and I kow its good for them too! :love:
Id say that the pellets are a treat BUT really anything food related to them appears as a treat! lol! I think its more us who feel like we are giving them a treat if its something we dont give often...therefore...I TREAT my buns everyday with as much forage as I can/have available...so hawthorn, apple leaves & branches, plantain, hock leaves, pear leaves & branches, dandelion, fresh grass, rose leaves & petals, herbs, lemon balm, strawberry leaves, bramble leaves, basically as much natural foods as possiable...I get the joy of TREATING as often as I can and I kow its good for them too! :love:

Agreed! You should see how crazy mine go for dried artichoke leaves!
Treats for my lot are fenugreek crunchies, apple sticks and leaves, dried plantain/dandilion etc and fresh forage when I have change to get out and collect some! :thumb: Come to think of it fresh veg are also a treat for mine as they normally only get fresh herbs daily!
Thanks all

Im going to get her some of the fenugreek ones i think. Ive seen alot of people have them. She gets something called munchie sticks and she loves them but would like to give her a wee choice.
nothing regularly apart from a small pellet with oats in it, last thing at night. its supposed to be energy-giving. i've kept that up even though tabby is on a diet.

they each had a treat today - it over a month since the last one. today they had little alfalfa rings from wilkinsons. there are five in a packet - one each and one back in the bunny box. treats are usually for if someone is ill - the parsley filled thingys from p@h are good to tempt a food-refuser.