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This may be a really stupid and novice question (about brambles)


Wise Old Thumper
I had the pleasure :)roll:) of accidently locating some fresh brambles in my garden this evening. If I'm giving the leaves, do I have to remove the spikey bits?

(chelle, wish wolfed down some of your dried brambles, but Badger wouldn't touch them, I'm hoping he will try these).
Ok, I now feel less stupid because the last time I gave them I cut the spikey bits out.
Ok, I now feel less stupid because the last time I gave them I cut the spikey bits out.

When I first started picking them I took the spikes out. But they were happy eating them and it saves a lot of pricked fingers to leave them whole :D
I had the pleasure :)roll:) of accidently locating some fresh brambles in my garden this evening. If I'm giving the leaves, do I have to remove the spikey bits?

(chelle, wish wolfed down some of your dried brambles, but Badger wouldn't touch them, I'm hoping he will try these).

yeah - glad she liked them!:D :love:Mine adore anything fresh over dried I think.,..but they tend to chosse what they want or need at different times they crave different things.....def. have favourties......hopefully Badger will enjoy some fresh ones and then move onto the dried ones too..they dry really well done they! Great colour!:D

I removed the spike bits mainly cause if I dry them I wont get a thorn in me when I grab a handful out the bags.....got thorned already & didnt like it!:lol:
The buns can eat them though....