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Taking Mole to the vets tonight UD Home and nomming!

Great news! :D Well done for being brave Mole. Hope he is soon settled in at home with you and back on his paws. :D
Mole started nomming while he was at the vets, in full view of a crowded waiting room! :oops: He's now home and has nommed some grated carrot and soaked pellets. One molar was broken and has been removed. He had spurs though they were small - all removed now anyway. I'm hoping he'll try grazing/eating hay tomorrow although it is unlikely he'll manage it with his incisors. I've kept him indoors tonight because he's been neutered as well. Should be able to get pics up soon - my new camera lead has arrived. Hopefully he can be bonded with Elf - he seems very shy and not at all bossy and I expect he'd like a friend once he's had chance to recover from his op and settle in a bit more.
Glad all went well and I hope its sorted his eating problem so there will be some hay munching this morning!