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Rosie Has Uveitis - also EC Advice Please

Rosie Rabbit

Mama Doe
I'm looking for a bit of advice please guys. :)

Rosie has cataracts in both eyes - the right one developed in late 2006 and the left one in spring 2008. She had a 28-day course of Panacur in March 2007 as we thought the cataracts may be E Cuniculi-related. She wasn't tested for EC as it's so widespread. Her eyes have been fairly stable since then and she sees a Veterinary Ophthalmologist periodically.

Last week though, we noticed her right eye had become a bit more cloudy and quite bloodshot. We took her to the eye vet last Thursday and he said she has developed uveitis, and secondary keratitis, as the cornea is a little inflamed also. I know uveitis can be quite painful, but am thankful we caught it quickly as she is fine in herself and it doesn't appear to be troubling her. We are giving her Maxitrol eye drops for a week and have to take her back this Thursday to see how the eye is doing.

My concern is really that EC (if indeed she has EC) has flared up again and caused this. Is EC implicated in uveitis as well as cataracts? Should we give her another 28-day course of Panacur / Lapizole? Should we have been giving her a 9-day course a couple of times a year since the initial course? I know there is debate about EC and fenbendazole and whether the 9 day courses do any good, especially in light of what was said on the subject at this year's RWA Conference. Also, when we did the initial 28-day course, we weren't aware of the importance of the cleaning routine and didn't know that only bleach kills the EC spores. So it may not have been wholly effective. And although we're careful about hygiene and keeping her water and food away from her litter tray, she sometimes eats hay from her tray which could have urine on it. :roll:

I also think she may be drinking and weeing a little more over the last few days (though not 100% sure - and it may be down to the heat) and am wondering if there may be kidney problems developing which again may be EC-related? :? She seems absolutely fine in herself.

Any input and advice would be welcome. Thanks in advance. :)
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I have a Bun with EC induced Uveitis. He has been on Maxitrol for about 2 years now. At first it was daily, now every 3 days.

Personally I would Panacur Rosie again (28 days) paying particular attention to the day 21 and 28 cleaning ( 1:3 bleach solution + boiling water is what I use )
Sorry to hear about Rosie - hope you can get her more comfortable soon.

Jane, I thought that bleach didn't work in hot/boiling water, although I have no idea where I got that from. :? My understanding was that it should be used in cold water only.

When I had my 2 EC buns I used to wash the litter tray normally first, then spray a 10% bleach solution via a spray gun to completely cover it, left it for half an hour (which I also read on the internet somewhere - the half an hour, I mean), then rinsed thoroughly.
Sorry to hear about Rosie - hope you can get her more comfortable soon.

Jane, I thought that bleach didn't work in hot/boiling water, although I have no idea where I got that from. :? My understanding was that it should be used in cold water only.

When I had my 2 EC buns I used to wash the litter tray normally first, then spray a 10% bleach solution via a spray gun to completely cover it, left it for half an hour (which I also read on the internet somewhere - the half an hour, I mean), then rinsed thoroughly.

Sorry, what I mean is first I do the (cold) bleach solution then I rinse it off with boiling water. I read somewhere that boiling water alone kills EC spores but I prefer to use the bleach first.
Oh I see what you mean - sorry! :D Yes, I think I've read that boiling water kills it, but I'd always go with the bleach too. You probably have to boil the EC spores up in the water for it to die, rather than have it just exposed to water that has just boiled.
Oh I see what you mean - sorry! :D Yes, I think I've read that boiling water kills it, but I'd always go with the bleach too. You probably have to boil the EC spores up in the water for it to die, rather than have it just exposed to water that has just boiled.

EC soup..................:shock:
EC is present in the lens of the eye in rabbits born with EC infection from the mother. The cataracts form when the juvenile EC migrate out from inside the lens of the eye. This causes damage along the route they take. The uveitis is unlikely to be due to remaining EC in the lens, but because of further breakdown of the damaged lens and release of inflammatory proteins which trigger inflammation in surrounding structures. The EC will have already moved to other tissues.
This is not the only cause of uveitis though, bacterial infection (especially pasteurella) is also reasonably common so it may be unrelated to EC.
I would repeat the 28day course regardless as at a time of stress for the immune system (dealing with the uveitis) it is more likely that any EC remaining elsewhere in the body could begin multiplying so panacur can help reduce this.
It would be a good idea to monitor her water intake so that you can be sure how much she is drinking.
Thanks for your input everyone. :wave:

I'll assume for now that the uveitis is EC-related in the absence of any other obvious infection or cause. I do worry that the EC has migrated to other tissues. I will certainly Panacur her again and will also monitor her water intake so that I know exactly how much she is drinking.

I dread doing the Panacur - it was a bloomin' nightmare trying to get her to take the liquid the last time!! :roll: I did read that someone has had success using a dropper to apply the liquid onto SS pellets and hand-feeding them. It will be time consuming, but I may give that a go.

I have a Bun with EC induced Uveitis. He has been on Maxitrol for about 2 years now. At first it was daily, now every 3 days.
Wow, I didn't know it could be used long-term. Am I right in thinking it can cause glaucoma with long-term use? Does the pressure in the eye have to be monitored?
Thanks for your input everyone. :wave:

I'll assume for now that the uveitis is EC-related in the absence of any other obvious infection or cause. I do worry that the EC has migrated to other tissues. I will certainly Panacur her again and will also monitor her water intake so that I know exactly how much she is drinking.

I dread doing the Panacur - it was a bloomin' nightmare trying to get her to take the liquid the last time!! :roll: I did read that someone has had success using a dropper to apply the liquid onto SS pellets and hand-feeding them. It will be time consuming, but I may give that a go.

Wow, I didn't know it could be used long-term. Am I right in thinking it can cause glaucoma with long-term use? Does the pressure in the eye have to be monitored?

AFAIK it can potentially cause problems but so far none have occured for Murphy. The alternative to keeping him on Maxitrol every 3 days indefinately would be removing his eye and I really would only consider that as a last resort.
Jane, I thought that bleach didn't work in hot/boiling water, although I have no idea where I got that from. :? My understanding was that it should be used in cold water only.

Hmm, I think it's more likely that in boiling water you'll get chlorine vapour - which is irritating to the eyes and skin.
AFAIK it can potentially cause problems but so far none have occured for Murphy. The alternative to keeping him on Maxitrol every 3 days indefinately would be removing his eye and I really would only consider that as a last resort.

That's great! I'm glad Murphy can tolerate the Maxitrol every 3 days. :D

Marie_Kubiak said:
It would be a good idea to monitor her water intake so that you can be sure how much she is drinking.

Incidentally, how much should a bun drink in a day? I'm guessing they should drink a certain amount per 100g of body weight or something? :?