**REMINDER** Please keep topics in the correct sections

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Staff member
Please can I ask you all try to post topics in the correct sections of the forum; any that aren't in the correct section will be moved but it makes our job much easier if members can do their best to put them in the right place to begin with. :D

In particular, there are a lot of threads started in Rabbit Chat that would be more suited to the Care sections - Health, Diet etc. If you're unsure, there is a description underneath each of the headings in the Care section to help you decide. For example, the Diet & Digestion section ~ Everything related to pellets, hay & greens, the correct diet and diet related problems.

Having threads in the correct section will help members to get more helpful replies - members with an expertise in bonding, for example, might only have time to browse the Bonding section and so won't see a thread on the subject in Rabbit Chat. It will also help with future searches as members can restrict their search to one section.

Thank you for your co-operation. :love:
Bumping this as we haven't had a reminder in a while. As previously said, there are always a lot of posts in Rabbit Chat in particular that would be better suited to one of the care sections.
Bumping this for the new year.

As always, Rabbit Chat seems to be used a lot for subjects that would be better posted in the care sections. We also get a few posts in the Introductions section that are care related - if you spot any, please feel free to flag up to the mods using the Report Post function, so that we can move to the right section and hopefully help the newbie get more targeted responses to their questions.

As previously, there are lots of threads being started in Rabbit Chat that should be in the care sections (Health, Diet etc) so please consider before starting a thread whether the topic is eg. health related. Rabbit Chat is for anything rabbit related that doesn't really fit into one of the other sections.
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