Rabbits In Fur Farming

The Duchess

Wise Old Thumper
Just received a link from the Rabbit Welfare Association and thought it was worth passing on.


I just can't believe that people still want to buy rabbit fur products when they must know that the production of such must mean massive cruelty.:cry:
It's really disgusting isn't it,but it happens all the time unfortunately,not just rabbits.It;s so sad.I've been into trying to help stop this kind of thing and animal experiments for many years and I still get very upset and angry at the way animals are treated.I don't wear leather etc either,the animals are killed differently i know but to me it's still kinda the same.Everyone does what they can though,i understand.How cruel is 'humanity'.:(
Yup i am too......But at least there are some people who care,like us and we make a difference even a small one x
Absolutely I am with you on that.

I often feel like cutting myself off from humans and just living in some remote place with a load of animals but then that wouldn't help the animals further afield would it.

Keep up the good work is what I say!
it makes me sick! wearing the skin of an animal as fashion??!! bleh. :censored:

i love that magazine the rabbit welfare assosiation send you!
Hi guys. I often feel alone in my feelings towards animals and my feelings of hatred towards some human beings but I can see that you all feel the same. I was nearly in tears at work yesterday. I work on the site of an old country manor house, set in rural Buckinghamshire and we have a resident rabbit population. They're lovely to watch when I come into work early in the morning. However, some bright spark has decided that the rabbits are a nuisance and they've had Rentokill in to gas them. Not only that, they've set dozens and dozens of Fenn Traps (nasty spring traps) all over the car parking areas - it just breaks my heart. I e-mailed the person responsible and told him his fortune and then went around sticking 'Save the Hanslope Hoppers' signs all over the park. I know it won't do any good but it made me feel a bit better! I'll collect my P45 on Monday morning!!!!!
Hiya Mackers.

Blimey, I don't think I could cope if that happened to me. Problem is that some people just don't see animals in the same way as us. They just can't get emotional about them - take a look at what the Chinese keep in pens in the market for you to eat and you'll understand how they think!

I hope you weren't serious about your P45!:D
Mackers, thats horrible!

those buns are beautiful, i just dont know how they can take a life away for its fur. :censored::censored::censored:

fur looks good on one thing - the animal!!!!
Nah! I wasn't serious about the P45 - I work in the Payroll team anyway and we're the ones who issue them! However, I have been (and continue to be) pretty vocal at work when it comes to animal welfare issues. I sometimes think I could get myself into trouble because I get so damn angry and upset. I'm going to end up as one of those mad old biddies, constantly covered in dog and rabbit hair, living in a house over-run with animals!!

I work at the Foreign Office and naturally, I mix with people who have worked at the British Embassies overseas. One lady I worked with was in China for 3 years. She told me some awful animal welfare stories such as live snake restaurants and 'deep fried chick on a stick' as a snack! The worst story she told me was about a Foreign Office member of staff who had recently arrived at Post with his Wife and two small children. As they were going to be there for 4 years, they decided to get each child a kitten (let's not even discuss that one). They went to a market with the kids and picked out two kittens from the stall holder, who then proceeded to break the kitten's necks infront of the kids. The stallholder was selling them for meat!! I stopped buying anything made in China for a while but it's near on impossible to do that these days - EVERYTHING seems to be made in China.
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