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Practising for Blackberry&Co's gang...

This is Nutmeg's attempt at becoming a black bun.


Me thinks something gone awry somewhere though.

Awwww there is something so appealing about black buns, they have such glossy coats, so pretty all of them. :love: xxxxxxxxxxx
Awwww there is something so appealing about black buns, they have such glossy coats, so pretty all of them. :love: xxxxxxxxxxx
Awwww there is something so appealing about black buns, they have such glossy coats, so pretty all of them. :love: xxxxxxxxxxx
Cinnamon:Wells, yous sees, i likes my colour, tan......reminds mes of thes suns....buts i stills wants to joins.......
NutmegDont talk to Blackberry likes thats......*he'll haves yous black in a jifys....*

Barty - Cinnamon meees agreees with you, ginger, yellow, tan bunnies are dee bestest :D
Heather - Well me is partly black soooo can Barty come as my guest?? ;)

This is us...
Barty - Cinnamon meees agreees with you, ginger, yellow, tan bunnies are dee bestest :D
Heather - Well me is partly black soooo can Barty come as my guest?? ;)

This is us...

Dandelion: Heather, we will colour your white bits with a felt-tip pen (mum has banned me from using indelible pens on other bunnies :evil:) You are allowed to bring guests.
Inara demands that she join


and that you ignore the presence of her snoozing minion in the above photo.

Dandelion: Inara - you are one hot bunny! Of course you can join. The snoozing minion is welcome as a guest. I still have some poster paint left for if the snoozing minion would like full membership.