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Poppy and her Husbun!


Warren Scout
Poppy and I arrived safely at Windwhistle Farm on Sunday and Alice was so lovely and accommodating bless her.
She had a bunny in mind for Poppy: a May 2015 boy currently called Francis. He is a beautiful grey/gingery lop eared bunny who is very calm and actually loves being picked up and cuddled (he had come from a loving home where they loved to snuggle with him).
Alice put Poppy with Francis at 3.30pm on Sunday, just after i had left and apparently it was love at first sight! There has been no mounting or nipping or scraps as far as i know, they just snuggle up and carry on like they have been bonded for ages!
I was so relieved and pleased!
He is such a lovely bunny, there were so many to choose from so i mainly let Alice pick as she knows the bunnies best. We agreed on a young bunny so that he could more easily adjust to our dog Red as well as being Poppy's age :)

Alice kindly sent me a few pictures from Sunday and has been updating me since and they still love each other, Francis apparently follows Poppy around like a lost puppy <3


What shall i call him when he comes home on Sunday? I am not keen on Francis (its a very posh bunny name!) and was thinking of Harry or Rupert?
Any suggestions? (has to be a proper name though, not Splodge etc. Cos i am odd!).
We just started bonding out rabbit Billy with a lovely lady called Poppy - so don't pick Billy! Could get confusing...

How lovely to see the rabbits so happy so fast! Makes such a difference to find someone who knows Rabbits so well. I like Harry for him, he does look like a Harry.
Congratulations :) Bet you'll be glad to have them back.

PS If you're coming by train again, I've still got a pile of newspapers to drop off that are getting in the way so the offer of a lift is still open.
Congratulations :) Bet you'll be glad to have them back.

PS If you're coming by train again, I've still got a pile of newspapers to drop off that are getting in the way so the offer of a lift is still open.
That would be lovely if it's not too much trouble! Im not sure what time i will be going yet though, i will have to ask Alice a bit nearer the time if that's ok :)
Just to add I like either of the two names you suggested. You could also consider continuing the "red" theme. Possibles could be Adam, Radley, Roddy, Rory, Rowan or Russ. Best of luck with the two on Sunday's journey.
Just to add I like either of the two names you suggested. You could also consider continuing the "red" theme. Possibles could be Adam, Radley, Roddy, Rory, Rowan or Russ. Best of luck with the two on Sunday's journey.
I had not thought about it as a 'Red' theme, took me a while to figure out what you meant then!
The dog's full name is actually Redemption and our new pet (also more my husband's than mine, like the dog and so also named by him) is called Sal which is short for Salvation!
My animals are called Sophie, Eric, Phoebus, Poppy and then the new bunny with no name, as you can tell unlike my husband i prefer 'proper' names lol
I do like Rory though!
Beautiful pair and you must be so pleased!! The name that popped in to my head when I saw him was 'Jasper'.......I don't actually know why!!!!