2 weeks ago we sadly lost our lovely girl Puck after nearly 9 years together (she was 11) leaving our lovely boy Ian (8.5) alone. He was ok for the first few days after she passed but then went off his food. For a couple of days he was eating less so I supplemented with recovery and got him into the vets. He had had emergency dental surgery 6 weeks prior to this after seeing a stand in vet who missed the problem so we thought it couldn't be his teeth again. But it turned out it was his teeth and he needed dental surgery THAT DAY. He was coping ok after the surgery, but not eating much alone (loving recovery but not eating lots on hid own unless food is put right under his nose and it takes a long time for him to chew). Since thursday he's gotten worse and yesterday we took him to the vets and she felt his jaw and moved it around and he showed no discomfort and could not see anything wrong when looking in his mouth but she said there was a smell that could indicate an infection, potentially of the tooth root. He's been put on antibiotics and metachlopromide. He was eating bits yesterday but not a lot and by this morning he was refusing to eat anything.
We took him back to the vets today and she said we have two choices, to keep trying or to decide he's been through enough and put him to sleep. He's not in complete stasis but is refusing to eat anything. I'm having to force recovery and even that he's managing to spit some of it out. Right up until yesterday no matter how stressed or ill he's been he's never resisted fibreplex but this morning he wouldnt even take that. The only thing he has taken willingly is metacam. I said I'd like to keep trying so we are still giving the metochlopromide, anti-biotics and feeding recovery and he's had a pain killer injection (as he did yesterday).
For a week after the surgery he was slowly getting better. Eating lots of recovery (only if offered by syringe and warm, but would happily have 15ml at a time) and was taking the odd treat or leaf but taking a really long time to chew. His poos were pretty much back to normal. but from thursday he's been eating less and less willingly. Now he's gone right downhill. She said it wont be a bad reaction to the painkillers or the anti-biotics so to keep going with them and hope we can keep him going long enough for the anti-biotics to start working but if he's not better by monday she said he's been through enough and to put him to sleep.
I feel so bad about the stress we're causing him because she's said to force feed him 10ml of recovery every hour, plus all the meds. I just really hope it works so it feels worth it! He's been through so much in 2 weeks, I feel so bad for him
Does anyone know how long antibiotics take to have effect? Am I doing everything I can? Is there a chance he will be OK and would recover from dentals in the future or am I being selfish putting him through this? Thank you <3
We took him back to the vets today and she said we have two choices, to keep trying or to decide he's been through enough and put him to sleep. He's not in complete stasis but is refusing to eat anything. I'm having to force recovery and even that he's managing to spit some of it out. Right up until yesterday no matter how stressed or ill he's been he's never resisted fibreplex but this morning he wouldnt even take that. The only thing he has taken willingly is metacam. I said I'd like to keep trying so we are still giving the metochlopromide, anti-biotics and feeding recovery and he's had a pain killer injection (as he did yesterday).
For a week after the surgery he was slowly getting better. Eating lots of recovery (only if offered by syringe and warm, but would happily have 15ml at a time) and was taking the odd treat or leaf but taking a really long time to chew. His poos were pretty much back to normal. but from thursday he's been eating less and less willingly. Now he's gone right downhill. She said it wont be a bad reaction to the painkillers or the anti-biotics so to keep going with them and hope we can keep him going long enough for the anti-biotics to start working but if he's not better by monday she said he's been through enough and to put him to sleep.
I feel so bad about the stress we're causing him because she's said to force feed him 10ml of recovery every hour, plus all the meds. I just really hope it works so it feels worth it! He's been through so much in 2 weeks, I feel so bad for him