Please could I have some vibes...update she's gone

Having just lost one to what looks like Kidney failure I'm send all the vibes I can for Puzzle, she's gorgeous :love: :love:
Loads of vibes coming your way Puzzle, come on you can do it xx

Lets hope there is good news tomorrow
Hi folks thanks for all your good wishes and vibes.

I'm sorry to say that she passed away at lunch time today :cry: :cry: :cry:.

I'd spoken to the vets first thing and he'd said she'd had a good night and looked brighter and that they would do another blood test once the bag of fluids had finished running in. But she went just as the last bit went through.:cry: :cry: Apparently she just streched out and went very peacefully. Muddle has seen her body but we've now brought him home.

I've given permission to the vets to have a look at her kidneys with the hope that it will give them more information into this problem and help others in the future.

I'll do her a piece in Rainbow bridge in the next day or two once I feel up to it.

Thank you all for your support.