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PETERBOROUGH - 9yr old rabbit needs new home


Warren Scout
My sister in law has had one of her rabbits die :( they were bonded and have been together all their life.

The doe hasn't had any injections ever or even any vet visit but equally has had no problems with her, she is not the friendliest rabbit but hasn't bit anyone, they have been pretty much left in their hutch/run and had little interaction with people, My sister in law doesn't want any more rabbits so won't get her another friend i told her to try to contact a rescue for her to go to as she still may have a good 3 or more years left.

Can anyone point me in the direction of a retirement home for her please
or any advice would be great
I have moved this into In Need. Is she spayed do you know? Have you got any pics you could post :D
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no shes not they were only given very basic care, she is outdoor rabbit i have moaned at my sis in law about them before but its only since getting my Damian that i have learned alot myself, my sister in law does feel bad but was unaware about how they should be looked after
I know shes black and a little white on her quite big but not a giant breed she has long pointy ears and is a common looking rabbit not a breed like a lion head or nethie etc
I wonder whether she would survive a spay...hard to see how she could mix with other rabbits if not, although I guess she was bonded until recently. :?
I actually have somebody who contacted me for a 9 year old doe (seriously just this week) I will email her this thread :wave:
I wonder whether she would survive a spay...hard to see how she could mix with other rabbits if not, although I guess she was bonded until recently. :?

There is no way I would risk putting a 9 year old bunny through a routine spay.

Tree, I hope your person works out. An elderly single bunny definitely needs to be snuggled up to a companion in this weather :love:
I have the contact details off the lady that is interested, I will send them to you now :wave:
Glad she is sorted :wave: ,it would have been nice had she have been able to go to the lonely 9 year old buck though, he is still looking for an elderly friend :cry:
Glad she is sorted :wave: ,it would have been nice had she have been able to go to the lonely 9 year old buck though, he is still looking for an elderly friend :cry:

We did wait to see if she got a home but the other people never got back to the owner :? Unfortunately she does have a few health problems :(