My House Today

Jane, your rabbits are so lucky to have you.

But I must ask, how much hay do you go through and how on earth do you keep it so tidy? :lol:
Happy rabbits as always :love: I notice Endeavour has un potted himself for his photo :love: xx
Amazing :) I love going through the pics and naming them :oops:

There's a little bun here who thinks he would have an amazing time playing there :)

Thinking of you xxx
They all look sublimely comfortable and happy, Jane. :) I love how you have each enclosure filled with carefully selected 'toys' and functional decor for each of them. :love:
I only wish I had hay that looks as good as yours for my bunnies. How do the farmers do it? I know the UK is famous for it's rainy climate (this year more than most methinks :( ) but when we get rain like that our hay is
poo. :(

Such lucky bunnies. I think I 'awwwed' out loud when I saw Harry though. He was almost camouflaged! :)