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All my furries are currently mouting. It's normal for the time of year in the UK. They need more grooming to stop them ingesting the fur and causing gut blockages.
All my furries are currently mouting. It's normal for the time of year in the UK. They need more grooming to stop them ingesting the fur and causing gut blockages.
Yes, perfectly OK :)

Do you think the moult is lasting any longer this year, Shimmer? My two seem to have been moulting each for a few months. I've got one who seems nearly done, who's looking a bit like a porcupine, as her fur is just starting to regrow, but in spikes. And the other, who is a short-haired rabbit, is currently looking like a woolly bear, as his fur is coming out in tufts. I'm not concerned, but just interested whether they are moulting for a longer time than others.
I think this spring moult is later than usual, been slow to get going and it's not quite peaked yet for my lot.