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Wanted: Looking for love


Mama Doe

Hi everyone, my name is Pricilla. Mummy gave me a home 3 1/2 years ago when I was unwanted. I am at least 5 years old but mummy doesn't know exactly. My husbun Archie died a couple of months ago and since then I have been very lonely :cry:. Mummy said she wasn't going to get any more bunnies because she couldn't stand the heartache but what happened recently changed her mind. You see I recently became very ill when I had a big lump of gunk stuck in my stomach :shock:. I felt like a pin cushion coz mummy kept pricking me with sharp things, she said it would make me better but it didn't :cry:. The nice vets gave me some stuff to make me sleepy and opened me up to remove all the gunk. I caught mummy crying one day because the vets thought I wouldn't survive but I showed them :D. Mummy now realises that I am a tough little cookie and that I really need a new husbun in my later years. I am looking for an elderly gentleman, preferably 5yrs +, I am not fussy about looks, I just need someone to cuddle with.

Please help

Have a look in the Rabbits in need section and on rabbit re-home. There must be a perfect husbun for dear Priscilla.:love::love:

Best of luck in finding one.
I am so happy Pricilla that your bunny mum is now going to find you a new partner. You are so very lovely, and although the heartache is terrible, it is also so very rewarding being able to give another bunny, whose own heart is aching for love and a home. I always like to think of it, of how something so very good comes out of something so very sad. Please promise us that you will make your bunny mum post a picture, when you have found your very lucky partner, as it would be a fantastic start to the New Year to see you so happy x