I agree with Omi, I think it's worth giving it another try. I managed to rebond Fudgie and Snoopy after they had a horrendous fight three months into their bond. They couldn't even stand to look at each other, it was that bad. I'm not going to lie, things were pretty tense for a while afterwards but they did get there in the end.
Fudgie also fought with Scipio when I first put them together. I kept them apart for a week then tried again and it went a lot better after that. Although it did take them about 6 months to cement their bond.
So I wouldn't give up on the girls working through their differences, even if it may take a while. I'm definitely of the opinion that you shouldn't force a bond, but I wouldn't give up if there are some tentacles of hope. If the girls tolerated each other ok prior to the fight then I'd say there is that glimmer of hope.