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Little bit of a sore hock


Alpha Buck

Timmy went to have his teethies done today and when I put him in the pet carrier I noticed that he had a slightly sore hock. Only a tiny bit but I mentioned it to the vet to have a look while he was under GA. When I picked him up they said that they had given him an antibiotic injection to ward off any infection and that was it. He is not a Rex, I know they are prone to sore hocks, and I have not spotted any problems before. I am hoping it is a one off and that the hair will grow back and he will be OK but in the meantime should I put some cream on? I did think about a bit of Vaseline or is this not a good idea? Not sure what else to do so any advice please.
You can PM a mod and they will move it to health for you :wave:

Cream should only be used in extreme cases of sore hocks as it flattens the fur around the hock and destroys the cushioning effect of the fur. My Rex only had cream for her feet when they were bleeding everywhere, the first time she had them they were small and she got a baytril (antibiotic) injection and advice to keep her off abrasive surfaces :wave:
Thanks that's a good point about flattening the fur I didn't think of that. I will see how he goes after the injection and hope he improves.