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Large bullet shaped poop


Warren Scout
Hi Everyone..

Several Times when my bun is moulting, he's had a slight bout of stasis, despite constant brushing etc and trying to eliminate as much fur as possible.. he will go for maybe a day with just eating very little, or random bits of veg etc.. The first time's he did this we used to whisk him right off the vets, and often found the stress of the vets seemed to make him worse. I was taught by the vet how to give him sub-cut fluids at home, and oral metacam etc and have all the kit for that, so I'm always prepared to do that..

but I've noticed he will go through strange stretching, and rolling and like some kind of yoga.. though is always alert and responsive, and I will rub his tummy as much as he will allow.. then after a while of kind of struggling to poo (like humans do sometimes) he produces this huge bullet shaped pellet.. almost scary to see the size of it considering where it just came from, but right afterwards hes find and jumps in his food dish.

I wondered if anyones else buns do this?
Hi Mini Lop:)

I don't think they are, though I guess they could be, but theyre nothing like his normal ones that I've seen, these are almost like all of the pellets have somehow become one huge pellet..occasionally slightly slimey, though mostly full of fur etc and very pungent.. you can literally see him squeezing and strainging to get these monsters out when he has one, which is where I usally kind of help to guide it sort of thing.
My buns do that sometimes when moulting a lot, you can give them fibreplex to help the fur pass through quicker and easier :wave:
Hi Ripminnie..:)

eek, can't get fiberplex anywhere near him, he absolutely hates the stuff... I had to buy the protexin pellets and grind them into a fine powder then dust his food with it.. he's a nightmare.

infacol he he runs a mile and hides, but discoverd he likes dentinox, same with fiberplex, critical care etc..

but he loves metacam...:s
Hi Ripminnie..:)

eek, can't get fiberplex anywhere near him, he absolutely hates the stuff... I had to buy the protexin pellets and grind them into a fine powder then dust his food with it.. he's a nightmare.

infacol he he runs a mile and hides, but discoverd he likes dentinox, same with fiberplex, critical care etc..

but he loves metacam...:s

Oh that's surprising because it's carrot flavoured! Mine all love it! What a shame :(
Does he eat lots of hay? That helps a lot, as does drinking lots of water :wave:
He won't eat hay :S..

I know, so many buns seem to love the fibreplex.. hes just a really fussy bun, the only veg he will eat is spring green, won't touch anything else.

He had mis aligned teeth from a young age it seems, and the vet said he kind of missed the boat regarding eating hay to keep them in shape, but having said that, he's never ate it anyway, I tried all different kinds and wasn't interested... but now he can't eat it as his teeth arn't up to the task.
He won't eat hay :S..

I know, so many buns seem to love the fibreplex.. hes just a really fussy bun, the only veg he will eat is spring green, won't touch anything else.

He had mis aligned teeth from a young age it seems, and the vet said he kind of missed the boat regarding eating hay to keep them in shape, but having said that, he's never ate it anyway, I tried all different kinds and wasn't interested... but now he can't eat it as his teeth arn't up to the task.

Oh dear! :? What a nightmare! The best thing to keep the gut moving properly is fibre, and the best source of fibre is hay! Another good one is bramble leaves, I don't think many buns would turn their noses up at those! They are very good for stomach issues so it might be worth going for a walk to find some! :wave:
Doughnut doesn't eat as much when moulting and ended up getting gas with it. I've rushed her to the vets twice too, but learnt that if she's not in any pain and still eating and poops haven't disappeared altoghether she may well sort it out herself.

She sometimes has the bullet poops too. They are not the cecal ones. I don't see her strain to do them but haven't noticed her do them, they just appear and can imagine painful to do as very large for her size!

I give her bramble leaves daily now to get her going with her digestion. Also dill is great for gas but she has suddenly decided she doesn't like it. I don't give her veg just stick to a herb, pellet, leaves and hay diet. Maybe your bunny would like rose leaves as they are Doughnut's favourite and I think most leaves are high in fibre since you can't get your rabbit to eat hay. She goes made for the herbage marigold one, have you tried that?

She's had to have metacam, fibreplex, panacur, baytril, and zantac when she's been ill and she's only just turned one! She loves fibreplex but some of the others were hard to administer. Can't do the syringing so put them on her pellets or on her herbs and then she ate them!
Hi Cpane:) sorry just catching up with all the posts, and nugs mostly manages to get it out himself though he seems to actually enjoy a massage of his tum while he's actually trying to eject it. and like you said when I see the size of it OMG!..

I've seen bramble leaves mentioned a few times now, and I havn't tried those yet, so going to hunt some tommorrow..

