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Indoor AND Outdoor?

Rory and Suki are indoor bunnies with the option to go outside.

Originally, as Rory was bought at the end of July and the weather was OK'ish' his hutch was outside and he slept out there. But when we thought it was too cold or windy we would bring it inside and then decided to leave it inside.

We then got Suki a couple of weeks ago, her hutch is also inside at night. They sleep in the kitchen, hutches open.

I have to say, they tend to make their feelings known on whether or not the weather is right for them!:lol:

They love to lay on the ground and soak up the sun on warm days, having binkies and running around like mad things, and sniff the air tentatively on chilly days and sit on the step looking out. No intention of making it out!:lol:
Rory and Suki are indoor bunnies with the option to go outside.

Originally, as Rory was bought at the end of July and the weather was OK'ish' his hutch was outside and he slept out there. But when we thought it was too cold or windy we would bring it inside and then decided to leave it inside.

We then got Suki a couple of weeks ago, her hutch is also inside at night. They sleep in the kitchen, hutches open.

I have to say, they tend to make their feelings known on whether or not the weather is right for them!:lol:

They love to lay on the ground and soak up the sun on warm days, having binkies and running around like mad things, and sniff the air tentatively on chilly days and sit on the step looking out. No intention of making it out!:lol:

I know that expression and behaviour from days when it is pouring with rain! :lol: Nino comes downstairs and sits by the back door to the garden convinced he wants to go out - so I have to open the door and show him how wet it is and that it is pouring with rain... then he realises he doesn't want to go out after all and goes back upstairs! :roll::lol:
I'm pretty new to this and this will be my first winter with Basil who is an indoor bunny. He also has a playshed and run outside but I am only planning on putting him out for a run and fresh air when the temp. is above 10c or so and then only if it's not raining or windy. would love to see if he liked snow though. Think I'm a little bit overprotective of him, so we'll see how it goes, but don't want to risk him getting chilled.