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I'm Eccentric but I Dont Care

Eccentric is brilliant as far as I'm concerned :wave:

Your set ups always look brilliant and the bunnies look so content....I'd never be able to keep it all as tidy as you do though :oops:
A very low maintenance Bunny at that, never eats or poos.........................

And you haven't rushed it to the vets? :shock: :lol:

I have no idea how you keep them all seperate, i know Biscuit for one would be going from enclosure to enclosure with all those low panels and high up places to hop onto :lol: I guess you do have some older and sicker bunnies mind you.

Not sure on all the pink though ;)
Me and Boris (Johnson, see my Avatar...) are the founder members of the LECs, (London Eccentrics Club)

I have even dyed my hair Boris Blonde :D

I am still working on the posh plumby accent though :?
The floor !! :lol: Done wonders for my chronic sciatica, it's been loads better since I ditched the camp bed :thumb:

Sleeping on a camp bed would be bad for anyone long term!
A decent bed frame and mattress would be better! Though I've never slept on the floor so can't comment.

It must be wonderful being surrounded by all those bunnies every day.
Jane, I think you're bonkers! :lol: ;)
But your bunnies must be so happy, and you clearly adore them!

Oh, and I'm another pink lover! :lol::lol::lol:
I have a feeling that in 20 years time, my house (if I can ever afford my own place) will look very similar!! :lol: :wave:
I think your house and set up is amazing and truly wonderful - noone could ever doubt your love and devotion to your buns and you have chosen to put them first which is great! I absolutely love it!!! :D:D what a truly blissful way to live x
Love it! Your buns are so lucky to have such a dedicated person like you caring for them. :love:

Do they live in pairs/groups? Or do you have any big bunny groups? Always wondered who lives with who. They're such a lovely bunch! :)

They live in pairs, I have four singles at the moment too. For various reasons they are not able to be bonded at this stage
Blimey, they must cost you a fortune :lol:

Ha, imagine if you just let them all free in the house... what a nightmare :')

Do you think you're set with 28? Or you getting more? And are any rescues?

Sorry, I'm super nosey :p