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Helen you are not to open this without your OH - page 7

Sally has been very generous and given Percy 2 licks with her tongue. I am not talking 2 lickey sessions ... yes 2 single licks .... that is progress AND Percy has given Sally a quick lick on her coat. She then chases him :?
2 small licks for bun kind .............:D all 20 paws and all 3 sets of fingers and toes crossed here for you helen
Awwww, she looks sweet. And quite soggy from all the bananas. :lol: Percy looks as if he's not quite sure what to do. Suspicious and slightly scared on the one hand, but then also checking if you have some food for him. :)

Helen I dont think you ever expected this :love:

Sorry about the quality I had to do this from a distance ... couldnt afford to miss this!
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OOOOOOOOooh Janice!

What have you done?

You are amazing, totally amazing.

David and I can't believe our eyes and will have to watch it again and again.

I can't thank you enough.


Maybe now she'll realize that nothing bad happens with you share love with somebun....
OOOOOOOOooh Janice!

What have you done?

You are amazing, totally amazing.

David and I can't believe our eyes and will have to watch it again and again.

I can't thank you enough.


Maybe now she'll realize that nothing bad happens with you share love with somebun....

There has been no chasing since that licky session. I cannot tell you how please I am. I had that feeling last night that she was calming down ... I will keep them until at least Wednesday to make sure that things stay good. :love:

This just shows people that even when a lot of things were saying to give in as they were not settling, that it can be achieved.

They are not my most difficult pairing Jack and Emily were
That was such a shame too as they seemed so good whilst at Janice's. They came home into hew accommodation away from the rest of the bunnies too, but after a week suddenly overnight the fur had flown. We tried to rebond at home in a neutral area but they just wouldn't have it. Edison was just too scared to go near her ever again.

Still he ended up with Poppet and they are now inseparable.

Hope this one lasts a bit longer than a week:D
ahhhh i see is this why you are going to keep then a little longer to makes sure it works:)
ahhhh i see is this why you are going to keep then a little longer to makes sure it works:)

Partly, on Saturday there were very little sign of them actually liking each other, just chasing every now and again. The only way I could get Percy near Sally was by covering the poor girl in food. Whilst she was being groomed she was fine, then as soon as he stopped she would lunge and him and then chase him.

When I bonded Sally and Edison, Edison always lunged at her, then she became the dominant one a week after they got home.

And I thought human relationships were complicated :lol:
AWESOME video, Janice!!!!! :D :D :D How fantastic!!!

Who is the exceptionally handsome piggie in the run beside them? :love: