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Hay and apple twigs.

Toffs and Pebbs

Warren Scout
Hi all

I know I'm being very very cautious and careful but you know the moss/mold sort of stuff that grows on trees, are you meant to give a twig that has that on it or not.

Second thing is that I buy my hay from pets at home and I've heard things about like, uncut is best and its better to get it from online. I have also only tried them on Timothy hay before but looking to try them on more. Is it better online and any advice where to try new ones.

Thanks Alicia

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Mosses and lichens only grow in relatively unpolluted areas - so if you find it on freshly picked tree branches, it is possibly a good sign (ie no nasty sprays used, etc). If it bothers you, just try wiping it off with your fingers. I don't normally bother for small amounts.

Hay - P@H always used to be cut into quite short pieces to fit in bags better, and was also a bit dusty because of this. Not used it for years, though, and any hay is better than no hay. If the rabbits approve, it's ok. Many places sell hay - Wilko's, some supermarkets, car boot sales & local pet shops (often horse bales repackaged in bin bags), horse supply places (by the bale - probably the best quality), online (Zooplus, and some specialist hay places). Some online suppliers do sample packs of different hays so you can try out the different ones before buying a big bag.
Yeah my apple trees are ugly .. the apple are miss shaped and they is all sorts of marks on the leaves.

I haven't been too precious about Robin not having then seeing as he had nibbled a big notch out the trunk and him and my sisters rabbits eat the fallen leafs