Gypsy :-(


Wise Old Thumper
Goodbye Old friend :cry: :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

Thank You for letting us be part of your life and loving us like we loved you


Gypsy was male the other bunny with him in the video with the blue eyes is Parsley his Wife .
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Am in tears myself for your loss of Gypsy, and the pain you are feeling at his unexpected loss must be almost unbearable, and I am just so very sorry. Beautiful tribute to such a totally adorable bunny, that I bet was just full of character and mischief :love::love:
I'm so sorry for you and Gypsy :( She's beautiful, looks very much like my own bridge bun, Dexter, I was nealy crying myself. Beautiful tribute and I hope she is having fun in bunny heaven :love:
My heart goes out to you :cry:

Such a beautiful tribute to an obviously much loved bunny.

Binky free precious Gypsy xx
Oh Maysie, I am so very sorry you have lost Gypsy,

Binky free handsome Gypsy, have fun at the bridge when you get there xxx

Hugs to you Maysie and Mike xx