Goodbye Daisy


Wise Old Thumper
Daisy was put to sleep recently after suddenly losing the use of her back legs. She had been finding it hard to keep herself clean for a while but this was the final straw. She was 11. Goodbye my blue eyed sweetheart.

This leaves my darling boy Snowflake on his own ... Moondust and her buck, Loganberry live next door to him but he has nobody to cuddle up to. I plan to give him a ceramic hot water bottle and plenty of straw and hay (as usual) but I do feel really bad for him.

They really doted on each other. Dear old Daisy. She was so beautiful with her snowy white fur and blue eyes. She used to sleep really deeply and only woke when Snowflake moved, in response to me coming into their shed. She was deaf. Ahh it is so hard losing a pet and worse in a way if they leave behind an elderly companion.
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Picture of Daisy in her younger days with her sister Tessie (brown doe) and Frosty, agouti and white buck and Snowflake, black and white buck. Just Snowflake left now. The end of an era.
Losing a pet is really hard, I'm sorry about Daisy too, rest in peace Daisy ☹️ xxx
So sorry to hear this sad news, losing a furry friend is a pain like no other. Sending hugs and a nose rub for Snowflake. Sweet dreams Daisy xx
I'm so sorry for your loss. :cry: It's so hard to have to say goodbye to these older companions. I hope Snowflake will be okay. Thinking of you at this very sad time. (((((Hugs)))))
Sleep peacefully, Daisy. xxxxx
I'm so very, very sorry you lost your beautiful Daisy, tulsi, and that Snowflake has been left on his own now when he used to have 3 lovely friends... I hope you can give each other some comfort. I'll be thinking of you both.
Thank you so much everyone. My heart breaks for Snowflake sitting on his on in his hutch (inside the shed and always open).
Daisy was put to sleep recently after suddenly losing the use of her back legs. She had been finding it hard to keep herself clean for a while but this was the final straw. She was 11. Goodbye my blue eyed sweetheart.

This leaves my darling boy Snowflake on his own ... Moondust and her buck, Loganberry live next door to him but he has nobody to cuddle up to. I plan to give him a ceramic hot water bottle and plenty of straw and hay (as usual) but I do feel really bad for him.

They really doted on each other. Dear old Daisy. She was so beautiful with her snowy white fur and blue eyes. She used to sleep really deeply and only woke when Snowflake moved, in response to me coming into their shed. She was deaf. Ahh it is so hard losing a pet and worse in a way if they leave behind an elderly companion.
Lovely memories. So sorry you have lost Daisy.