Glossary - Words, Phrases and Acronyms you might see

lol - laugh out loud
afaik- as far as i know
lmao - laughing my ass off
rofl - rolling on floor laughing
OP - Original post/Original poster
o/h or OH - other half
bump - to bring a post back to the top of the page so that it gets noticed.
ETA - Edited to add (when you edit a post)
BTW - By the way
BF - Boyfriend
GF - Girlfriend
FYI - For Your Info
P@H/PAH - Pets at Home
TBH - To Be Honest
U/D - Updated

plum(s) - male rabbits testicles
doe - female rabbit
buck - male rabbit
kit - baby rabbit
Spay - operation to remove female rabbit sex organs
Castrate - operation to remove male rabbit sex organs
neuter - operation to remove sex organs in either sex of rabbit
rew - red eyed white
PTS - put to sleep
BEW - Blue eyed white
PEW - pink eyed white
2 foot / slave / hoomin - rabbit owner
VHD - Viral Hemorrhagic Disease - This is a fatal, highly contagious disease of domestic rabbits. The disease takes 24-72 hours to develop after infection with the virus, some cases may be rapidly fatal without prior indication of illness. It is highly recommended vaccination for all rabbits against this disease
Myxi – Myxamatosis - Myxomatosis is a virus that is common in both wild and pet rabbits. Myxomatosis is commonly spread by the rabbit flea and because of this does not need direct contact between two rabbits. This means any rabbit is at risk and should be vaccinated. As a disease, myxomatosis causes swelling of the eyes, nostrils and genitals. Myxomatosis is a painful disease and causes a nasty death. It is essential that all rabbits are vaccinated against this highly common disease.
Malocclution - If the rabbit's teeth do not meet properly, then this normal wearing down does not occur and the teeth can grow very long. This condition is called malocclution- or buck or wolf teeth. As rabbit's teeth constantly grow it is essential to provide hay available at all times to wear them down.
Some rabbits develop malocclusion from an injury. This occasionally happens when a rabbit chews on its wire cage. Whatever the cause, once the teeth are out of position they rarely return to the proper position. In most cases, the teeth must be clipped every 2 to 3 weeks.
EC - Encephalitozoon cuniculi
Flystrike - a serious life threatening problem in the summer months where flies lay eggs on the rabbits fur which then hatch into maggots. The maggots attack the rabbit which will quickly die of shock if rapid action is not taken.
Stasis - Gastro Intestinal Stasis. The condition of slowing down or complete stopping of the gut. Usually a secondary symptom of another ailment which has caused the rabbit to stop eating. Signs of Stasis are not wanting to eat and/or little or no pooing. Stasis should be seen to immediately, failure to do so could be fatal. Treatment can involve gut stimulants, pain killers, syringing water and soft foods. Most rabbits recover fully although some are prone to repeated bouts.
Panacur - worming treatment to prevent EC
Metaclopramide - Gut stimulant
Metacam - Pain relief (I think)
Probiotic - Helps maintain essential Gastrointestinal bacteria
Baytril - a commonly used antibiotic
Rearguard - A foam that is applied to the rabbit's back and rear end that prevents flystrike by stopping fly eggs developing into maggots.

WWW - West Wales Willows
lop - A bunny with ears that flop downwards
cecotroph - a squishy poo that looks like a bunch of tiny grapes. Rabbits should eat these to extract more nutrients.
Dewlap - a "double chin" most evident on females. Used as a handy place to pluck fur from when nest building.
flop/happy flop - when a bunny flops onto its side, its a way of showing happiness
bonding / bonded - Rabbits that have accepted one another and are friends.
RWA - Rabbit Welfare Association
Scanning - Moving the head from side to side in order to obtain a clearer picture of it's surroundings. Usually done by REWs
NIC - Neat Idea Cubes, also known as grids, can be used to make pens and cages.
Vetbed - a fluffy carpetlike material that is comfortable to lie on, yet absorbs urine. Especially useful for sick bunnies.
A&P - Allen and Page
SS - Science Selective
Timothy hay - a mix of flat blade and stalk, high fibre content, thought to be best for bunnies
Meadow hay - mostly softer than timothy hay often contain grasses and herbs
Oat Hay - similar to Timothy, offers a different taste and texture
Brome Hay - similar to Timothy, offers a different taste and texture
Alfalfa - extremely tasty and loved by nearly all, this is high in nutrients and fibre. Because of its high fibre, nutritional content and wonderful taste, it is an excellent food source to encourage eating in recovering animals following illness or surgery. It should only be fed as a treat as it is high in calcium which can lead to excess calcium build-up in the bladder.
DFH - Dust Free Hay (website that seels hay)
HE - Hay Experts (website that sells hay)
PP - Pampered Piggies (website selling hay toys treats for rabbits and guinea pigs)
HH - Happy Hutch (company that makes hutches)
Savvy - experienced
Neutral Territory - a term used when bonding rabbits, a place where no rabbit has been before.
binky - Happy bunny dance / jump / twist?
When a rabbit binkies, it jumps into the air and twists its head and body in opposite directions (sometimes twice) before falling back to the ground. This can be done while standing in one place, or while running, which is really weird looking, and is sometimes called the "happy bunny dance." A rabbit can even turn 180o in midair. All this is a rabbit's way of telling you straight out that it is happy and overall pleased with you and its life.

Have i missed anything?
PMSL - That was really very funny

Readguard - A topical medication to prevent flys laying their eggs & causing sprayed on vunerable areas.

Nethie - Netherland Dwarf rabbit
How about PLMSOL i haven't a clue what that means, just makes me think of plimsoles :lol:

Please leave my soggy orange lard?
I had no Idea what snuggle safe was until recently and Ive been a member for a year..
A snuggle safe is a microwave heatpad that gives out 10 hrs warmth!! You pop it under the bedding.Dont put an animal just out of theatre on it as if the animal is knocked out,it cant move so it may get hurt as it cant get away from the heat.Always use the cover.
Ideal for newborn,convalescent & elderly pets or those in cold environments.
Used by vets, breeders rescue centres,kennels and catteries worldwide.
Available in different sizes.
Hope this is useful!!
Is there such a thing as a Bunny 500 or something similar to this and what is it? Is it different to a binky?
Is there such a thing as a Bunny 500 or something similar to this and what is it? Is it different to a binky?

Yeah, the Bunny500 is when your bun tears around the house/garden at breakneck speed, often turning corners on a knifepoint.

A binky is different in that involves jumping/twisting/flipping in the air. :)
HTH - Hope That Helps
IIRC - If I Remember Correctly
TIA - Thanks In Advance
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