General Rabbit Chat

Snuggles on my lap. She is very calm and I can groom her too this way very easily. Ignore the cage in the background it isn't for keeping rabbits in, its a temporary bird cage.P1010493.JPGP1010490.JPGP1010491.JPGP1010489.JPG

I don't normally put rabbits on there back but Snuggles doesn't mind it however since reading the info I don't do this anymore. I just have to find another way to do Snuggles grooming.

I noticed that Booboo has grown some more in the last few months but he don't like cuddles anymore and he has found a new way to get over the baby gate by running up the side of the door frame and over the gate. Its quite genius how he does it so I have to put up a big piece of wood on it at night.
Snuggles has got very aggressive towards Lambchop, it got really intense earlier, Snuggles is so genital I've never known her to attack like she did, every time Lambchop would go near her she would lunge and bite him while kicking out her back legs. I broke up the fight and separated Lambchop . Snuggles gets on perfectly with the others.

They had all been getting on so well until today. Lambchop can be quite aggressive, but today it was Snuggles which I never expected.
I have no idea, probably a territory thing or could be from where Lambchop likes to bite and Snuggles might think he will bite her so she fends him off I'm not sure.

Lambchop wasn't doing anything that day and as soon as Lambchop got near her she would lunge at him and attack.
I still have LambChop, Snuggles keeps attacking him so I keep Lamchop separate and he runs about indoors. He doesn't seem to chew wires or anything, he seems to be ok on his own and he chills with me a lot of the time and follows me about. He is more like a small puppy than a rabbit.