Lord Trellis
Mama Doe
Booboo formerly known as Lucky seems to be very intelligent and knows my commands. During the night when his making noise like for example digging at the baby gate wanting to get into my bedroom at 3am I would say the word stop and he stops or I would say stop it or be quiet, he stops. None of my other bunnies respond to me other than Booboo. I've been very impressed with his progress recently.
Some good news regarding Oreo... her eye has almost fully healed now and she is looking much better.
Bugs had been tearing out Snuggles fur recently but has since stopped. The problem with Snuggles is she sits there and lets Bugs do it because she is so genital and docile and she doesn't try to get away. Bugs had a phantom pregnancy a couple of days ago which quickly wore off.
Some photos of Bugs having her phantom pregnancy... All bunnies are spayed and neutered.

Some good news regarding Oreo... her eye has almost fully healed now and she is looking much better.
Bugs had been tearing out Snuggles fur recently but has since stopped. The problem with Snuggles is she sits there and lets Bugs do it because she is so genital and docile and she doesn't try to get away. Bugs had a phantom pregnancy a couple of days ago which quickly wore off.
Some photos of Bugs having her phantom pregnancy... All bunnies are spayed and neutered.