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Froddo has a severe otitis - need advice

2 days now i dont see any soft poops that was from the infection. But if the medicine makes him loose his appetite, even if he gets better with the infection. He will still have the side effect till Sunday. 😆
Today i think he is eating a bit better.
He ate his pellets overnight and maybe just a little bit of hay. At morning he ate some pellets and a few fresh greens and it seems in a little better mood.
He is not eating hay though. What i can give his as a substitute of hay for a few days till his appetite return?
Today i think he is eating a bit better.
He ate his pellets overnight and maybe just a little bit of hay. At morning he ate some pellets and a few fresh greens and it seems in a little better mood.
He is not eating hay though. What i can give his as a substitute of hay for a few days till his appetite return?

Can you access some fresh grass? Or something like Readigrass

Dont think so. Only if i order from aboard but i don't think it worth as it will take some time to arrive.
I see some hay cubes around the internet, if i manage to find, they are like eating hay?
Dont think so. Only if i order from aboard but i don't think it worth as it will take some time to arrive.
I see some hay cubes around the internet, if i manage to find, they are like eating hay?

Not as far as dental attrition goes, but the fibre would be of some benefit to his GI tract.
Have you tried chopping the hay into a chaff . So it’s very short strands rather than long ones.
No i haven't tried this. The problem is that he is not interested in hay. I mean if i give him some on his mouth he may chew it. Or on his own he may chew 4-5 straws and leave.
No i haven't tried this. The problem is that he is not interested in hay. I mean if i give him some on his mouth he may chew it. Or on his own he may chew 4-5 straws and leave.

This makes me wonder if he might actually have some sharp points on the molar teeth at the very back of his mouth. It is impossible to view 100% of the oral cavity of a Rabbit whilst they are awake due to all the folds in their cheeks. Cheek retractors are needed, which cannot be used unless the Rabbit is under GA.

The jaw action required to chew hay is rotational whilst that required to eat pellets etc is ‘up and down’. If there are sharp points (spurs) on the crowns of the molars then the rotational jaw action required to chew hay can cause discomfort as the spurs scratch the cheeks and dig into the tongue.
If he continues to refuse to eat all types of hay then I would speak with your Vet again.
I managed to talk with my vet (she is at hospital), she told me that last friday she checked the teeth and were fine. The back teeth were checked 13 days ago during the operation and was fine too.
She told me to continue give him eat whatever he wants and that his appetite should return soon. Its a combination from the fungal infection and maybe a side effect from the Nystatin.
Today i hand fed him a lot of hay. He was eating it easily, but not on his own 😆
Also the poops are bit bigger today.
Frodo is a lot better. My vet told me to stop Nystatin, but today he did 2 times cecals and he didn't eat them. I have seen him eat his cecals yesterday, so could it be from the high protein diet these last days? (Alfa alfa hay and more pellets than usual). I think i have read that high protein diet can have as an effect cecals overproduction.
Hello all.
After all these days Frodo never started to eat normal quantities of hay and his appetite wasnt very good. There were better days and some worse.
So I decided it was time for another visit to the vet..
Vet told me that teeth needed trimming, although they weren't in very bad condition, but she recommended as it may be the reason he is not eatings normal.
After the examination, she also found that the ear had some wax. There was no inflammation but she cleaned it and told me to give as a precaution 10 days of antibiotics (small dosage) and 3 days meloxicam.
Vet told me there is no reason to not eat. And he should be fine.
But after we came home, he is a lot worse.
He is barely eating some pellets and i struggle to give hims some fresh greens and hand feed him some hay.
For the time being he passed poops, but im very worried. Also im so tired, all these monhs i try my best for Frodo and things onlt getting worse.
What could be the problem this time? Vet checked him, she is an expert's rabbit vet.
Could he be in shock? He was very scared yesterday and stayed a lot of hours at vet.
Also here in greece we have very high temperatures.
I don't know what to think. He doesn't seem in pain, just not in a mood for anything 😥☹️
It sounds as though he is in pain. Why was Meloxicam only given for 3 days ? Some Rabbits will stop eating if they have the tiniest sharp tooth. As Froddo has had periods of not eating hay for some time some sharp points might now have developed on the crowns of the molars at the very back of his mouth. It isn’t possible to get a 100% view of the oral cavity of a conscious Rabbit. Last time he was on antibiotics he went off his food didn’t he? It could be that this course is causing anorexia again. What antibiotic is he on?

Have you spoken with the Vet again today to see if he/she can offer any additional advice ?
He was sedated to trim his teeth. She saw all of them and trimmed what needed.
The antibiotic is Marbofloxacin.
And meloxicam told me only for 3 days because she thinks would be enough.
Could it be a side effect from sedation?
I couldnt talk with my vet today. Ill try tomorrow.
I managed to talk to the vet.
She told me that its still very soon after the sedation, so i should give him some time to feel better.
Also he may feel strange with his teeth trimmed.
She told me to give him some space and not stress him and he should be back to normal. If he refuse to eat until tomorrow i will speak with them again.
She assured me that Frodo doesn't have something serious to make him refuse eating.
Don't know in confused....