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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Frequent dental issue

I would try not to be sad about her. Bunnies are very fragile creatures and very many are living a compromised life due to health issues and very many of those will be 'dental bunnies'. It really does sound to me that you are doing very well with managing her. It is very obvious that you care for her very much.

I would concentrate on trying to give her the best possible quality of life within the limits of what she is able to do. There are very many foods that you could experiment with, which will provide her with enjoyment and interest. Those foods are not going to help with her dental problems, but they will keep her happy, healthy and keep her digestion in good order. They will enrich the life she has.

It's great that she will eat some grass if you hold it for her. The grass will certainly help her teeth. Does she eat herbs other than coriander? I imagine you have basil and parsley in Bangladesh? Which vegetables do you give her?
Corriander ,basil , mint . I don't trust with her spinach too much so it's once a week . The cut of grass which she is able to eat right now is very hard to get : ) I will have to try other cuts . She always ate barmuda grass which was available here a lot but can't handle it at all now .
Corriander ,basil , mint . I don't trust with her spinach too much so it's once a week . The cut of grass which she is able to eat right now is very hard to get : ) I will have to try other cuts . She always ate barmuda grass which was available here a lot but can't handle it at all now .
Are you able to obtain Readigrass? https://www.friendshipestates.co.uk/friendly/friendly-readigrass It's sort of half-way between grass and hay. If not that make, perhaps there is something similar. It is usually available also in horse feed suppliers.


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My whole family cares a lot for her . I am soon going to graduate and move for my job . My brother and mom will be looking after her then
I just hope I can be there for her when needed
You guys have such amazing experience with bunnies . I am getting lots of courage and hope from this forum that my baby and I are not the only one who is fighting . I just hope that huchi can come around with her dentals and live happily with her routined check ups and I can make food schedule for her through trials
Wow, so Huchi has a whole family of humans to love and care for her ❤️😀❤️ I am sure that because of that she will cope with the challenges her dental problems might bring.
Did any of your buns face elongated root issue at such an early age ?? Could u feed them hay / grass / herbs or did they eventually get dependent on soft food. Your rabbits seem to have a long life by god's grace ❤️
Did any of your buns face elongated root issue at such an early age ?? Could u feed them hay / grass / herbs or did they eventually get dependent on soft food. Your rabbits seem to have a long life by god's grace ❤️
Yes, a few Rescues came to me aged about 2-3 with well established Dental disease. They had different needs including regular dentals, daily bathing of weepy eyes, daily pain relief, feeding soft food, two developed tooth root abscesses which required surgery. Whilst they might have had a shorter life, living to be about 7-8, they were all able to enjoy a good quality of life. Once their dental problems began to defy all management we had to do the kindest thing and let them go. But as I said, they did get at least 4 years with us. None developed any gut problems, even if they were unable to eat much hay or grass.
Huchi has eaten just tiny amount of grass last night . Least amount I have seen in last 1 month 😿 still eating her greens and leaves . I just want her to pass this month without any surgery
Huchi is still chewing her leaves and herbs but almost gave up on grass it seems . Should I let her be or is another dental needed right now 😓 her teeth grinding and clattering are not so frequent. She doesn't look in pain too
Huchi is still chewing her leaves and herbs but almost gave up on grass it seems . Should I let her be or is another dental needed right now 😓 her teeth grinding and clattering are not so frequent. She doesn't look in pain too
You’d need the vet to take a look in her mouth. It’s impossible for us to advise you without being able to see if there’s any evidence of spurs/soft tissue damage in her mouth.
The weather here is horrible right now 😓 she just had a vet visit one week ago . She is doing fine with her soft food still. I will take her back to the vets next week. Should there be any specific signs if there is tissue damage
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The weather here is horrible right now 😓 she just had a vet visit one week ago . She is doing fine with her soft food still. I will take her back to the vets next week. Should there be any specific signs if there is tissue damage
Some Rabbits don’t show any obvious signs, even if they have significant abrasions on the cheeks/tongue. But others might drool, keep making chewing actions but not actually eating, they might pick food up but then drop it, paw at their face, tilt their head, get weepy eyes, a mucky bum, become head shy or aggressive. If they stop eating then secondary gut stasis will occur.
I wish Huchi well and hope you find a way to cope with her dentals and find lots of lovely food for her to try.

She is very beautiful. Hutch (my NZ I had as a child) looks very like her except he did not have a smudge on his nose.

He was my first bun and loved him dearly. We would often spend time in the back garden and he would eat all my dad's marigolds.

Sending extra vibes that you can find solutions for her care as you go along.

Good luck with your exams btw
I wish Huchi well and hope you find a way to cope with her dentals and find lots of lovely food for her to try.

She is very beautiful. Hutch (my NZ I had as a child) looks very like her except he did not have a smudge on his nose.

He was my first bun and loved him dearly. We would often spend time in the back garden and he would eat all my dad's marigolds.

Sending extra vibes that you can find solutions for her care as you go along.

Good luck with your exams btw
Sending vibes for your bunny's spay too . Hope everything goes smoothly
Morning started horribly today . Huchi was in her play zone and when she came back for her Basil saw her pinky nail was gone and blood was coming . Cleaned up and gave r her some metacam 😖 will this become an issue . She ate in between and no problems in movement . Blood didn't come out anymore . She is sleeping though . Will have to keep an eye on her while she moves
Morning started horribly today . Huchi was in her play zone and when she came back for her Basil saw her pinky nail was gone and blood was coming . Cleaned up and gave r her some metacam 😖 will this become an issue . She ate in between and no problems in movement . Blood didn't come out anymore . She is sleeping though . Will have to keep an eye on her while she moves
I think she'll be fine. I know you will keep an eye on her and that's all I would do. Hopefully it won't bleed anymore now.
Her play zone is very much safe . Found no reason for her to get hurt like this . Is this related to her calcium deficiency? 😢 1stly the poor tooth and now nail