Dear Flameyface,
I’m so, so sorry it’s taken me so long. I haven’t been able to cope or think about doing this, but I go back to work next week, and I have to, otherwise I’ll never do it, and you deserve to be honoured, the same way as everyone else- a broken heart shouldn’t change that.
I don’t even know where to start. I never imagined I’d have the privilege of your company for so many years after such a crappy start.
You came to me at just under six weeks old (so we counted back and use the 23rd April as your birthday) at the start of June 2010, with your four litter mates. You were at a rescue who needed some help with you all, because they also had your younger siblings. Your poor mum had died of heart failure and you five, and the two remaining from the younger litter (Gray’s Ginger, and Scrappy) were taken to the rescue.
I bought all five of you home, and, I must say, you were all just the nicest bunch of bunnies I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet- well, except Wish. She was a diva, and had to be, but the rest of you were super friendly, super licky, came for cuddles, for everything. I have no ideas how bunnies with such a tragic start were just so nice. Socks and Gizmo got their names super quick, and Wish came next (being half the size of the rest of you), you and Flare remained without your names for several days. You were similar to each other, but he was lighter, longer and pointier and you were brighter and rounder. On a spontaneous moment I just decided Flame and Flare, and they stuck.
As you grew, you were an absolute delight, and details of this can be seen in this post. I loved you all and, even to this day, wish I’d kept you all. Things may have been different for your siblings then too.!-More-pics-post-233-(1st-August)
Socks and Gizmo (who became Fizz) founds homes quickly, I decided to keep Wish, and then Flare found a home too. No one wanted you, so I decided to keep you (because I wanted you all) and that was a smart move. You’ve brightened our home for ten and a half years.
You turned out to be intersex. You had testicles but no penis- and the four orange siblings also had equally different anatomy. The theory was that something disrupted your mum when she pregnant with you and this impacted your development in her uterus. They were, however, able to neuter you. You never showed any hormonal behaviours- you just stayed super sweet, all the way throughout.
Once you were done, I was able to bond you with Autumn and Wish, and you become the 'Loppy Trio'.
You were an absolutely wonderful nuisance and got into everything and went everywhere. Autumn was the peacekeeper and you and Wish were definitely like siblings and would bicker. He would put one of you in one room and one of you in the other room and sit between you, to keep the peace- particularly at meal times. It was so funny to watch. Aside from food times, you all got on really well. You would groom both of them and Autumn would groom you.
When you were a bit over a year, you hurt your back somehow, and you never properly recovered. You stayed on pain medication for the rest of your life after that. Every time we tried to bring you off it, you started walking funny again. One hypothesis was that your injury wasn’t actually an injury, but was a further part of the developmental issues that we suspect caused the difference to your anatomy.
So we just medicated you.
I’m so, so sorry it’s taken me so long. I haven’t been able to cope or think about doing this, but I go back to work next week, and I have to, otherwise I’ll never do it, and you deserve to be honoured, the same way as everyone else- a broken heart shouldn’t change that.
I don’t even know where to start. I never imagined I’d have the privilege of your company for so many years after such a crappy start.
You came to me at just under six weeks old (so we counted back and use the 23rd April as your birthday) at the start of June 2010, with your four litter mates. You were at a rescue who needed some help with you all, because they also had your younger siblings. Your poor mum had died of heart failure and you five, and the two remaining from the younger litter (Gray’s Ginger, and Scrappy) were taken to the rescue.
I bought all five of you home, and, I must say, you were all just the nicest bunch of bunnies I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet- well, except Wish. She was a diva, and had to be, but the rest of you were super friendly, super licky, came for cuddles, for everything. I have no ideas how bunnies with such a tragic start were just so nice. Socks and Gizmo got their names super quick, and Wish came next (being half the size of the rest of you), you and Flare remained without your names for several days. You were similar to each other, but he was lighter, longer and pointier and you were brighter and rounder. On a spontaneous moment I just decided Flame and Flare, and they stuck.

As you grew, you were an absolute delight, and details of this can be seen in this post. I loved you all and, even to this day, wish I’d kept you all. Things may have been different for your siblings then too.!-More-pics-post-233-(1st-August)

Socks and Gizmo (who became Fizz) founds homes quickly, I decided to keep Wish, and then Flare found a home too. No one wanted you, so I decided to keep you (because I wanted you all) and that was a smart move. You’ve brightened our home for ten and a half years.

You turned out to be intersex. You had testicles but no penis- and the four orange siblings also had equally different anatomy. The theory was that something disrupted your mum when she pregnant with you and this impacted your development in her uterus. They were, however, able to neuter you. You never showed any hormonal behaviours- you just stayed super sweet, all the way throughout.

Once you were done, I was able to bond you with Autumn and Wish, and you become the 'Loppy Trio'.
You were an absolutely wonderful nuisance and got into everything and went everywhere. Autumn was the peacekeeper and you and Wish were definitely like siblings and would bicker. He would put one of you in one room and one of you in the other room and sit between you, to keep the peace- particularly at meal times. It was so funny to watch. Aside from food times, you all got on really well. You would groom both of them and Autumn would groom you.

When you were a bit over a year, you hurt your back somehow, and you never properly recovered. You stayed on pain medication for the rest of your life after that. Every time we tried to bring you off it, you started walking funny again. One hypothesis was that your injury wasn’t actually an injury, but was a further part of the developmental issues that we suspect caused the difference to your anatomy.
So we just medicated you.
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