FAQ Article Requests


Staff member
We like the idea of a reference section; so we're gonna put one together. We need you to write for it though :)

So we don't have people duplicating articles there is a list of topics below, if you want to write on that topic add a note below and I'll stick your name next to it. Similarly if you have an idea for a topic post a note and I'll add it.

Once your've written your article you need to send it to myself or Adele so we can just double check it and then we'll pop it up.

There is plenty of reference information in the care section so the idea of the article is to pull it together into one place so it's easy to read. You can also reference outside links.

Article Subjects

Hand Rearing
Neutering Males - Diddeen
Neutering Females - Diddeen

Vaccinations - bunnytales
Digging - Phill
Litter Training
Eye Sight - ellepotter
Fly Control
House Proofing - Tree
Toys - loopylop
Gut Stasis - Adele
Skin Problems
First Aid Box
Bonding - Tam/Adele
Elderly and Disabled bunnies(Jay/ Adele)

Teeth (Caz)
Tooth root infections - Caz
Front Teeth[color=green
What about veg?? When Sophie was a baby, I had no idea what veg to give her and when!! It took a lot of researching, it would be great for people to have it on hand here! Oh and maybe dangerous plants that people have around the house?? Just a thought.. :D
how about food i know we have a sticky but lots of people keep asking what to use and how much! (dried)

eve x
Sorry to add another topic Tamsin, bout what about "First Aid Box"?

People on here have mentioned so many things that they have to hand just incase! I had to ask what "Kittymalt" was :oops: !!! That's what is fab about this forum, people are from all sorts of places and have so much great info and experience to share!!! :D
bunnylove said:
how about food i know we have a sticky but lots of people keep asking what to use and how much! (dried)

eve x


Could you point me in the direction of the sticky that gives that information? I have looked in the sticky at the top of this section but I can't seem to find it! :oops:

loopylop said:
Sorry to add another topic Tamsin, bout what about "First Aid Box"?

People on here have mentioned so many things that they have to hand just incase! I had to ask what "Kittymalt" was :oops: !!! That's what is fab about this forum, people are from all sorts of places and have so much great info and experience to share!!! :D

There is a topic in "Useful Topics" about this but again there are off topic bits in this too. Perhaps it could be condensed into an article?

I don't think I have enough knowledge to write a whole article but we all have our own experiences to contribute. I don't know if this would work but we all send our throughts on a topic to a named person "in charge" of the topic and they collate it into an article e.g. if I took teeth - everyone could email/pm me with their experiences of problems with rabbit teeth and I could collate it into an article (drawing on my own knowledge about Zeus' problems). As I have never experienced teeth cutting/burring or abcesses but have lots of info about tooth root infections and treatments! I could then reference sections to particular sources like I would when writing a scientific article.

Your welcome to team up on topics :) Hopefully alot of the info you need is right here, it just needs putting together.
Articles can also be added too, so if we post the final thing and you think of something that was missed it can be added.

Tamsin said:
Your welcome to team up on topics :) Hopefully alot of the info you need is right here, it just needs putting together.

True I could run a search on "teeth" on RU - think I may be there some time going through it ;)!

That is a brilliant idea Caz, i could do quite a few if people were to send me there stuff. I am quite bored at work at the mo with nothing to do and i think this would be really interesting. Tamsin could you allocate a few topics to different people then and everyone could send in there bits?
Yep, okay :) With bigger subjects one person can collate the smaller sections from other people. So Caz, your incharge of teeth :) Anyone wanting to volunteer for a sub-section of teeth can choose a topic and send their bit to Caz to add to the final article.

For searching try to be a little more specific e.g. teeth burring, teeth clipping, front teeth; select search for all terms; limit it to the rabbit care section; and display as posts to see a quick over view.

When would you like these done for Tamsin? Can we include small pics or would you like to stick to text??
In your own time, there is no set deadline :) If you find you don't have time after picking a topic, you can always let me know and we can open it up to someone else or you can pass your notes on to someone else to finish up.

If the article would benefit from pictures then certainly include them. Remember they need permission from the owner though. You can always link to website that have pictures.

Edit: If you do include picture, please include a text description too though :)

loopylop said:

I think that is it ripleys!!!!

Hiya I looked at that one but it doesn't seem to have info on dried food and hay, which are the best to use, how much to use etc.