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Emperor Nicholas

Nicholas is doing well! Wounds look clean & healthy, eating well & being a little (very cute) PITA

I picked up what is to be his free ranging base today. It is an old Gents wardrobe & was perfects size to go under my TV (also hung on the wall today). I've started gutting it, the doors will be cut right back to the frames then netted. There will be one shelf inside & im deciding whether to Lino the base & shelf or go with mosaic tiles I've seen some do. It will also be fully painted as the wood is not in great condition.

As you can see, some mods needed to stop him getting under / behind it.

Lots of work to do before he can free range fully!


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Haha, the reason it's all blocked off is when I brought him downstairs he was under it like a shot. He is funny when things change, he stretches himself out as far as he can & checks with his nose just in case the obstruction attacks him! He's still perturbed about the fact there are now blockers to stop him getting under the sofa.

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Thanks Max!

I have been working on Nicholas' base this week. It is an old Gentlemans Wardrobe, which started off like this:


I have stripped the doors down to the frames & given 3 coats of primer:


Last night I sanded back the body of the wardrobe & washed it down, then tonight a first coat of primer;


It will have a shelf & ramp, the doors will be netted & I plan a pophole on the side. It will be a light grey when finished. At 1.2m high by 85cm wide & 45cm deep, it's a good size for a free range base.

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