I’m so sorry to hear you lost a loved one in such a traumatic way.
Three weeks is no time at all. This is such early days for you, so all you can do at the moment is be kind to yourself and just focus on getting through.
There’s an image I want to share about grief, but can’t find it. This is a link to a post and actually the whole page is a lovely page about grief.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?st...UysyaF4iikNxfCPWYphwETXSpl&id=100070550979540 Basically, right now, your grief is raw and fresh and all consuming. Very gradually, over time, you will grow around your grief. It will still be present and sometimes it might be really present, but it won’t consume you so fully. And that process will continue. So it won’t always feel like this.
For now though, one moment at a time.