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Digging bunnies


Young Bun
My rabbits are prolific diggers - we've only had them about 3 weeks. I don't mind them digging as it's natural behaviour. However, the amount of soil they're shifting is staggering:shock:. They have dug what looks like a large burrow under the hutch with 3 entrances - 1 at each side and 1 at the back, and have managed to dig themselves out to the garden on several occasions. The garden is very secure so I'm not too worried.

OH has suggested moving the hutch and refilling the burrow with the soil they have dug out and letting them dig it all over again but this just feels so unfair on the rabbits. After all they have worked so hard to dig it out in the first place.

What do people think?

Ria :D
If they can dig their way into the garden then fox can dig its way in.You need to be so careful.You either need to put their hutch/run onto paving slabs or put mesh down covered with soil and grass.:D
You can make your bunnies digging boxes then so at least they can still have a good old dig:D
We are lucky to have 6ft walls on 3 sides of the garden and the other side is a garden with all hard landscaping so a fox wouldn't be able to dig in - the rabbits can't dig out either. But I do sometimes wonder whether a fox would be able to clear the wall though.

It seems such a shame to put them on paving slabs as they do like to dig and I feel as if I am spoiling their fun :cry: but perhaps its something I'm going to have to consider.

:oops: this is really stupid but can you tell me more about a digging box?

Foxes can easy clear a 6ft foot wall unfortunately:cry:
At my previous house the walls were 10ft because it was at the side of a railway track,foxes had no problem leaping them.
A digging box is a huge storage box filled with either soil or sand:D
I also grow boxes of grass for my bunnies to munch on which they enjoy.
Foxes can easy clear a 6ft foot wall unfortunately

I had better have a rethink :shock:

Thanks for your replies
