Che Passed Away


Alpha Buck
My big beautiful boy. I know no-one is reading at this time, but I need to type this out, there is no-one I can talk to.

I took Che, my beautiful male Conti to the vet today with suspected bloat / stasis. He had stopped eating & has always been rock solid so I was very concerned. They treated him during the day & with X-Rays could see material in his stomach so gave him various things to get his tummy moving again. They thought he had improved slightly & didn't want to operate. I collected him at about 7pm & brought him home to look after him over night.

He was up and about & did a couple of soft poohs - progress I thought. He just passed away at 1.15am as I was about to call the emergency vet to say we were on our way in.

I'm struggling to process at this point. He was my first & closest Rabbit, the one who would come up to me for a fuss, the one who meant the most to me. He was only a year and a half old, he should have had his whole life in front of him.

I'm going to take him downstairs so that tomorrow morning when I've had some sleep I can give his sister a chance to see him.

Bye my boy. I'm so sorry I let you down, I won't ever forgive myself.


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I'm so sorry that you lost him :(
Pretty much the same thing happened to me over the weekend with my lovely boy, Billy. I know how you are feeling :(
Sweet dreams Che and lots of love to you xxxx

Also, you didnt let him down. You did your absolute best. Xxxx
Gosh Rowan
That's terribly sad. I know only too well that feeling of having lost a bun who means the world and wondering if you let them down. So hard to process. it sounds like you did what you could though, and it's hard to dispute a vet's advice. What a gorgeous looking bun he was. Feel for you.

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Oh no, how devastating for you :cry: I really am so sorry :cry:

Whilst I know that it is often the case that we blame ourselves when a Rabbit passes, you really have done nothing wrong. You took Che to a Vet as soon as you realised that there was ill. You could not have done more.

RIP Che :cry:
Oh rowan, I'm so sorry for your loss. Don't blame yourself, you did your absolute best. Sadly, these things happen. It's always so shocking and heartbreaking for us. Sleep tight beautiful Che. xxxx
I am so very sorry that you have lost Che :cry: So very sad when they are so young, but you certainly didn't let him down.
I'm so sorry :cry: you didn't let him down, you did everything you could for him. Binky free Che

Sending hugs xx
Good Morning All,

Thank you for your thoughts & wishes. I'm not one for tears but I shed more than a few last night & it goes on this morning. Che is now with his sister Alexandra so she can say goodbye, I will bury him later today.

It's much harder than I ever thought it would be.

Over the next day or two I will move on to the more practical considerations, but those are hard to think about right now.

Goodnight sweet Che.

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I'm so sorry you lost him. :(
Don't blame yourself - I know you gave him the best life he could have had. And that wouldn't (probably) have been the case if someone else adopted him.
I've just lost my two beautiful bunnies too so I know how you feel and wish you all the luck in the world.
Stay strong for his sister. She needs you right now.
I should add I probably won't be back in this thread until tonight - I have job interviews today & need to clear my head. Your thoughts & hugs do mean an awful lot to me & I will carry them with me today.

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I'm so very sorry for your loss. It's so hard to get your head round losing them when they are so young, I've been there a few times.

I hope you manage to focus on your interviews, what horrendous timing for you.
Sending hugs, you did everything you could for him and he passed away in an environment he was familiar with xxx
RIP Che. Hope that you and Alexandra manage to find some comfort together of the coming days and weeks. Its never easy to lose a loved one.