Carry case options for giant rabbits.

You can get bigger plastic crates (aimed at dogs) with castor type wheels. I've got one that I can probably get 3 or 4 cats in - although I coudn't lift it on my own at that point, and it won't go through a standard car door (just in the boot). It's a rigid, Pet Voyager / Ferplast Atlas type carrier that comes as a 2 part rigid shell and separate clip on wheels.

I have used small standard dog crates to transport multiple furries to vet appointments - but again, you still have to check that you can get them in the car. There are generic clip on handles that make them easier to carry (better with 2 people).
My week turned into chaos and I completely forgot about this thread. Shimmer, thank you so much for replying. This is great info. I hadn’t even considered about getting it in my car which is a very useful thing to be considering.
Even the best crate is a bit useless if you can't actually transport it :ROFLMAO:
It always surprises me how many square-ish objects won't actually fit through standard car doors, even though there's the actual space inside. We had plenty of practice when we cleared 2 houses and did local delivery for some things.

Hope your chaos sorts itself out.
Thank you. We’ve spent the week driving to various specialist vets with my loner bunny. Hopefully now we’re a bit clearer on a way forward.

But you’re right, which is why I laugh teacher your post. I could get the best carrier and if it’s not going to fit in my modest car, it’s useless.
Yes we have this same dilemma transporting our two french lops. We actually do seperate carriers and have them facing each other in the taxi as I no longer drive