Carrot tops


Mama Doe
I know carrots themselves are very much an occasional treat, but can carrot tops be fed as any other bun-friendly leafy greens? Thank you 🐰
I'd be wary of feeding loads - apparently 1.5 bunches of carrot tops would provide the recommended daily allowance of calcium for an average sized rabbit so if a regular & sizeable part of diet it might upset the calcium balance. However I'm guessing you're more likely to feed a bunch over several days which I'd be fine about

I agree. Possibly also test weigh one of your tops to judge how much to feed. Our carrot tops don't weigh as much as that :)
My lot (6 rabbits and 4 guinea pigs) get one lot of carrot tops between them most weeks.
Thanks all 😊 Yep wold be a bunch over several days. Hope they like them - will report back tomorrow as it was spring greens tonight! Will start a smaller amount of carrot tops tomorrow to get them used to them 🥕
Raven loves carrot tops and they are often first thing he eats on his own after dentals. I rarely give a bunny tops from more than 2 medium sized carrots, yet gave him more. I accumulated several bunches of 'topless' carrots since Raven's dental, so guess what veggie is on our menu?
I saw carrot tops on the list of safe veggies for rabbits to eat. But carrot tops are not sold where I live. That's why I never fed my bunny. But the friends on the forum said it was safe. :)
I give them as a treat, sometimes I'll buy a bunch of carrots for my share pony, and the rabbits get the tops (although the horse will also eat them because he's greedy as anything!).