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Can bunnies have blackberry leaves?


Mama Doe
Just wondered if bunnies can eat blackberry leaves, as we have some in our garden.
Thought it would be something a bit different for Bungee.
Ours eat the whole plant, thorns and all, but if they're inside bunnies (especially!) you might want to trim the thorns off (they're usually on the leaves as well, some cultivars are thornless) as they often chew at least some of them off and leave them lying around. We found a very spiky cultivar growing wild which they seem to really like, they eat most of the thorns off that too.
ithink they cannot because they feed on only green vegetables
Hi, and welcome! Rabbits thrive on fresh foraged wild food, espeiclaly in their native UK and Europe where it is easy to find things they can eat. Vegetables are not always good for them because they can be too sugary, no nutritional value and/or simply too full of the wrong nutrients :)