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Calling all Secret Santas! post 100 help needed!

Helllooo everyone! I have replied to all your PM's and i am happy to say we now have 30 secret santas! If anyone else wishes to be a santa then please PM me as its not too late, this literally is running up until the last postal day in december!!!
Helllooo everyone! I have replied to all your PM's and i am happy to say we now have 30 secret santas! If anyone else wishes to be a santa then please PM me as its not too late, this literally is running up until the last postal day in december!!!

Out of interest... how many secret santas were there last year? :) My parcel is all ready to go, im not posting it just yet though ;) :D I enjoyed shopping for the bunnies :love:
Helllooo everyone! I have replied to all your PM's and i am happy to say we now have 30 secret santas! If anyone else wishes to be a santa then please PM me as its not too late, this literally is running up until the last postal day in december!!!

I havent had a PM from you but I still want to take part.:wave:
Out of interest... how many secret santas were there last year? :) My parcel is all ready to go, im not posting it just yet though ;) :D I enjoyed shopping for the bunnies :love:

32 - 2007
45- 2008
32 and counting - 2009!


im hoping we get more and more and beat the record :D
Oh Oh me please! I want in! Will pm you now. Have been meaning to for ages but it keeps slipping my mind.
Do we send the parcel to a particular bun or just a certain rescue centre?

everything is to the rescue only this year, as it stops any buns being left out because we have double the rescues to match up with this year. it also helps because ive matched people up earlier this year so bunnies could be rehomed/come into rescue in this time.

just address it to the rescue and the rescue will decide who it goes too :D
had 4 more this evening :D any others????

we have had TWELVE rescues nominated this year so we need more people as at the moment its averaging just 2-3 parcels each rescue :)

pressies dont have to be big or expensive at all!

You could fill a little stocking with a treat ball, a small bag of plantain or similar, a water bottle, etc.

come on RU'ers! :D
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just to add if anyone is struggling for ideas..aswell as treats for the bunnies things like black bin liners, scouring pads, kitchen roll and exam/rubber gloves, anti bacterial handwash/gel..are really useful to rescues..get through loads:D
anyone can join in you just have to PM me! :)

Then you send a pressie to your chosen rescue anonomously!:wave::wave:
just to add if anyone is struggling for ideas..aswell as treats for the bunnies things like black bin liners, scouring pads, kitchen roll and exam/rubber gloves, anti bacterial handwash/gel..are really useful to rescues..get through loads:D

I agree, especially with the black bin liners :lol: and things like hutch cleaner. Also things like food bowls :) I always buy 'pretty bowls' for my own foster buns, but i imagine some rescues have so many buns that bottles/bowls always come in handy :) Theres always simple things aswell, you could make toys using hay and toilet roll tubes!

The snugglesafes are a fab idea, as are the snugglesafe warrens etc :)

I think its fab how so many people on here are so kind :love:
Really glad you are doing this again as I know some of my rescue buns were very lucky last year to get secret santas and it would be really nice for other buns in rescues to get some treats:D
If its any help we get through so many 1ml syringes, and also if you can't afford to buy stuff old towels are always wanted :D

Last Christmas was so exciting for our buns, they don't really get that many toys as most of our money goes on vet bills, so a few willow balls would make a big difference :D