Thankyou so much everyone, we really appreciate it
He's pretty much back to normal
We kept him in overnight with no issues apart from he weed out of the crate and it went under the dishwasher/cupboards :lol: I got most of it and it's not like our kitchen is in a good state of repair (you might say 'fair'). Here's a pic from last night's episode of Bunny Hospital: you can see one of our wonky cupboards on the left :lol: At least there was wee, he's not really drunk anything so I dunno if he felt he got enough from the high water content veg or just isn't drinking, which I assume leads to stasis! We changed his water bowl from a plastic one to a ceramic one because he kept leaning on it, and there's not much space in the base of his hutch to move about anyway so something more securely full is better, but if he's not using it then maybe we should put the other one back? If anything, the ceramic one has lower sides, but now Matt's cleaned it out I might swap it with the even lower sided one see if that's any better. And maybe just put the plastic one in as well :lol:
I also used to get dried rose buds from a health store in Fairbanks for the bunnies. No pesticides, bugs or blemishes, these were "tea quality" for human consumption. The buns loved them. They wouldn't touch fresh ones though. :roll: It's like how my son loves ketchup but won't eat tomatoes.
So, rosebuds aren't their favourite, I think they might have the same off-putting chemical in them that the ends of bramble, lilac etc. have in them, but they'll chew the stems causing them to fall off :lol: I guess dried loses its potency! We feed whole roseheads that are just about to disintegrate, ours love them: when Matt was giving Buttons his, Chibbs apparently gave him the 'Where's mine?!' look :lol:
I'm not going to the air museum today because the last few days have left me absolutely shattered (not just bunnies!) so I'll give him some periodic cucumber and celery. He ate EVERYTHING we left him last night, we haven't found anything he won't eat, he's such a little trooper. Also a simply adorable bunny: he doesn't suit our living outside, hands-off approach as much as he would someone who'll give him lots of attention
He was trying to climb up my knee the other day (bare knee with little sharp claws :lol
and it was super cute
He just needs to drink more :lol: