• Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Buttons is at the vets

I don't feel like Buttons would let that be the case [emoji38] I'm getting a determined bun vibe from him [emoji38]
Yeah, he's definitely full of life :D And even if it does come to something horrendously unexpected and tragic (never say never with buns :roll:) at least he's had a great life these past few weeks! But no, all indications are for a full recovery soon :)

Oh Geeze! Unlucky buns, supposedly that's quite easy to clear up with the injections, I had a bun that had that once. Hopefully Buttons doesn't get it, although he's almost certainly been exposed to it. I hope your buns don't get it! That's the last thing you need [emoji51]
Yeah Lopsy would NEVER forgive me! Or let me hear the end of it! :lol:

Omi, thankyou, that's very reassuring. He was fine for the 48hrs after his vaccine, his absolute into-everything self, even after I nearly drowned him on Saturday afternoon...! I was pouring our buns' big dog bowl of water into one of his holes becasue I couldn't get over to the rhubarb and he ran under the stream :roll: I just caught his side slightly, so he was semi-sodden over about 4 square inches, but he groomed it off pretty quick :lol:
OK so he's home, seems fine, we're going to have to medicate him with metoclopramide which will be *fun*, and we'll keep him inside overnight as it's bloomin' cold. He's outside at the moment as the running space is supposed to do him good :) We'll medicate him again tomorrow and let him back out :) Lots of wet forage and veg prescribed as he needs to up his water intake!
OK so he's home, seems fine, we're going to have to medicate him with metoclopramide which will be *fun*, and we'll keep him inside overnight as it's bloomin' cold. He's outside at the moment as the running space is supposed to do him good :) We'll medicate him again tomorrow and let him back out :) Lots of wet forage and veg prescribed as he needs to up his water intake!
Oh bless him, I hope he does okay, sending him loads of vibes x
I'm glad the little lad is home. Sending him lots of vibes and I hope the medication experience goes well, for your both.
I just saw this and glad buttons is home. OOH is expensive here too, and not giving him some pain relief is the opposite of what my regular vet would recommend even though some pain meds can slow gut. Syringe feeds,glucose test,motility meds and fluids were positives -so at least your ooh provided good care to Buttons overnight.
It must be such a relief be pooped and is eating so he could come home. Sending vibes he continues to improve.
Awww sounds like a bit of chaos! Glad he's home again though :) sending vibes for full fast recovery!

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I'm glad Buttons is back home. :love: I hope giving him his meds isn't too difficult, and that he'll eat his wet forage and veg. Lots of vibes for him!
Another late arrival to the party but glad to hear Buttons seems to be coming through this recent scare. What a shame about Hawthorne...honestly...the weirdest things happen with bunnies! They're just magnets for bizarre troubles. :?

Our ER vet in Alaska was about $700 per visit as well and there's only been a few vets IME who gave pain cover to my rabbits. I got very good at demanding it. I bet there was always a collective groan from the staff when my car was spotted in the lot! :lol:

I also used to get dried rose buds from a health store in Fairbanks for the bunnies. No pesticides, bugs or blemishes, these were "tea quality" for human consumption. The buns loved them. They wouldn't touch fresh ones though. :roll: It's like how my son loves ketchup but won't eat tomatoes.

Hope everyone is feeling their best at yours again soon! xxxxx
Thankyou so much everyone, we really appreciate it :D He's pretty much back to normal :) We kept him in overnight with no issues apart from he weed out of the crate and it went under the dishwasher/cupboards :lol: I got most of it and it's not like our kitchen is in a good state of repair (you might say 'fair'). Here's a pic from last night's episode of Bunny Hospital: https://twitter.com/keletkezes/status/1407090554677170180 you can see one of our wonky cupboards on the left :lol: At least there was wee, he's not really drunk anything so I dunno if he felt he got enough from the high water content veg or just isn't drinking, which I assume leads to stasis! We changed his water bowl from a plastic one to a ceramic one because he kept leaning on it, and there's not much space in the base of his hutch to move about anyway so something more securely full is better, but if he's not using it then maybe we should put the other one back? If anything, the ceramic one has lower sides, but now Matt's cleaned it out I might swap it with the even lower sided one see if that's any better. And maybe just put the plastic one in as well :lol:

I also used to get dried rose buds from a health store in Fairbanks for the bunnies. No pesticides, bugs or blemishes, these were "tea quality" for human consumption. The buns loved them. They wouldn't touch fresh ones though. :roll: It's like how my son loves ketchup but won't eat tomatoes.
So, rosebuds aren't their favourite, I think they might have the same off-putting chemical in them that the ends of bramble, lilac etc. have in them, but they'll chew the stems causing them to fall off :lol: I guess dried loses its potency! We feed whole roseheads that are just about to disintegrate, ours love them: when Matt was giving Buttons his, Chibbs apparently gave him the 'Where's mine?!' look :lol:

I'm not going to the air museum today because the last few days have left me absolutely shattered (not just bunnies!) so I'll give him some periodic cucumber and celery. He ate EVERYTHING we left him last night, we haven't found anything he won't eat, he's such a little trooper. Also a simply adorable bunny: he doesn't suit our living outside, hands-off approach as much as he would someone who'll give him lots of attention :D He was trying to climb up my knee the other day (bare knee with little sharp claws :lol:) and it was super cute :love:

He just needs to drink more :lol:
Aww I'm glad Buttons is doing better.

Rodney was a poor drinker and that has really improved with Blossom as she drinks loads he seems to copy her.

But also could try experimenting with warm/cold water and various teas? Rodney likes filtered whuch is an absolute pain.

My two are funny about roses,Blossom eats the flowers but nothing else and Rodney eats everything [emoji1787]

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Maybe the water bottle is too high for him to drink from ? He may drink more from a water bowl. Glad he is doing better now :D
I think Buttons has a very posh Bunny Hospital :) I'm glad he's feeling lots better. It's great that he eats everything :love: I don't think I've ever had a bunny who hasn't loved rose petals. Tui acts like a little hoover and just moves her mouth over them all sucking them up.
Thanks again everyone, he's still doing fine. Next meds at 14:30 :)

Maybe the water bottle is too high for him to drink from ? He may drink more from a water bowl. Glad he is doing better now :D
He had a bowl (ceramic) as well because bottle placement is hard! His previous home he had a bottle but he drank well enough from the plastic bowl but then it was during the warmer weather. I gave him the bottle in case he wanted to use it, and any lower he'd probably have to put his head on the side to use it thanks to the bar spacing. His wee was normal at least :D I'll swap the ceramic bowls later and offer the plastic one, our bunnies will just have to deal with having two bowls, poor things :lol: Unless Matt decides they can have another of the plastic bowls (it's a 5-bowl set).

I think Buttons has a very posh Bunny Hospital :) I'm glad he's feeling lots better. It's great that he eats everything :love: I don't think I've ever had a bunny who hasn't loved rose petals. Tui acts like a little hoover and just moves her mouth over them all sucking them up.
I agree, we feed them so many petals! Lopsy hoovers them too, it's so funny :D We eventually get to the stage that they get petal overload though and stop eating all of them XD He was the first bunny in the new plastic bottomed dog crate so we know it's OK for them :) I was a teeny tiny bit worried he might be able to get his head through but he's not managed with the puppy panels on the lawn and they're about the same and probably not as well made :S