Bunny died I can't forgive myself and want to die too 😔

Its so upsetting when a pet dies- sorry you lost him. Also its shocking how vets can manhandle animals when they are in pain - once a vet wanted to put my rabbit down by putting needle in ear vein - it caused such distress I put a stop to it.

To rabbit owners - please do NOT give rabbits too many HARD veg such as carrots, as it can cause stassis/an abdominal blockage, whereby the animal will often be unable to eat and be in great pain. Plus surgery may be needed to remove the blockage. Also good quality hay DAILY is essential for their digestion (avoid hay at Tesco/Asda as it is for bedding!!!). My Milo is having cabbage for breakfast, a carrot for tea, he also loves kale, grass and dandelions and has an apple and banana a week. Thought he had died the other day or taken by fox, but luckily I double checked his holes two days later and saw a white nose trying to get out - I feel happier now my boy is back
Its so upsetting when a pet dies- sorry you lost him. Also its shocking how vets can manhandle animals when they are in pain - once a vet wanted to put my rabbit down by putting needle in ear vein - it caused such distress I put a stop to it.

To rabbit owners - please do NOT give rabbits too many HARD veg such as carrots, as it can cause stassis/an abdominal blockage, whereby the animal will often be unable to eat and be in great pain. Plus surgery may be needed to remove the blockage. Also good quality hay DAILY is essential for their digestion (avoid hay at Tesco/Asda as it is for bedding!!!). My Milo is having cabbage for breakfast, a carrot for tea, he also loves kale, grass and dandelions and has an apple and banana a week. Thought he had died the other day or taken by fox, but luckily I double checked his holes two days later and saw a white nose trying to get out - I feel happier now my boy is back

It's common to use an ear vein for rabbits - the are usually much more accessible and visible than other areas. Rabbits are easily stressed, so it's important that they are handled appropriately. I'm sorry you had a bad experience.

Carrots, apple and banana are not recommended as a regular part of a healthy rabbit's diet. They need the fibres in grass / hay for gut and dental health, so that should form the bulk of the diet and should be available at all times.